Uploads by Mjgraber

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
02:53, 28 October 2010 Metric fu reek table.png (file) 47 KB The image is a snippet of what the table looks like that is created by Metric_fu. The table represents some of the errors Reek found while parsing through the author's Project 1 from this class. 1
02:07, 28 October 2010 Metric fu reek graph.png (file) 20 KB This is the output graphical results of Metric_fu using the Reek static code analysis tool, which was run on the author's first project for this class. 1
05:22, 25 October 2010 Analysis Diagram.jpg (file) 37 KB The flow diagram shows the relationship between coding, testing, and static code analysis. It starts with coding, which leads to testing. Testing is accomplished using the Red/Green method. Once all tests have completed successfully, static code analys 1