Score views

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Score Views Variable Documentation

Name Datatype Description
question_weight INT(10) weightage for the question
type VARCHAR(255) type of the question
q1_id INT(10) unique identifier for the question
q1_name VARCHAR(255) name for the question
q1_instructor_id INT(10) id for the instructor
q1_private BIT Boolean to represent whether the question is private or not
q1_min_question_score INT(10) the minimum score possible for this question
q1_max_question_score INT(10) Max score possible for this question
q1_created_at DATETIME Creation Date and time for this question record
q1_updated_at DATETIME Update Date and time for this question record
q1_type VARCHAR(255) Type of this question
q1_display_type VARCHAR(255) Type that is displayed for this question
ques_id INT(10) unique identifier
ques_questionnaire_id INT(10) id for question in questionnaire
s_id INT(10) id for the solution
s_question_id INT(10) solution for unique question id
s_score INT(10) score for the solution
s_comments TEXT comments for the solution
s_response_id INT(10) response id for the solution

E/R diagram for Parents Tables

No Tables were referred by the Score Views Records Table as Foreign Key Relationship.

E/R diagram for Child Tables

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