Score caches

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This table stores scores for every response type that user got, for each of the assignment he is part of. This table is updated every time a response is given for the first time or updated

Score Caches variable documentation

Field Name Type Description
id int(11) The unique record id
reviewee_id int(11) Maps to the assignmentparticipant id - which gives the user_id-assignment_id mapping in question
score int(11) Score for the participant_id for the user identified in reviewee_id for the response type identified in object_type
range varchar(255) String specifying the lowest and highest scores that this user obtained for the particular response_type identified in object_type
object_type varchar(255)' Identifies the response type in question. Would be one of('ParticipantReviewResponseMap' - reviews of submitted content for individual assignments, 'TeamReviewResponseMap' - reviews of submitted content for team based assignments, 'FeedbackResponseMap' - author feedback for reviews of submitted content, 'TeammateReviewResponseMap' - teammate review, MetareviewResponseMap - for metareviews)

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