Due dates

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The Due Dates table gives information regarding the due dates associated to each of the assignment.

Due Dates Variable Documentation

Field Name Type Description
id int(11) Unique ID for each Due Date record
due_at datetime Deadline for submission
deadline_type_id int(11) whether a submission deadline, a review deadline, etc.
parent_id int(11) the assignment that the deadline is related to
submission_allowed_id int(11) this is "OK", "Late" or "No", depending on whether submission is allowed before this due date
review_allowed_id int(11) this is "No", "Late" or "OK", depending on whether reviewing is allowed before this due date
review_of_review_allowed_id int(11) this is "OK", "Late" or "No", depending on whether meta-reviewing is allowed before this due date
round int(11) Number of the review round to which this due date pertains
flag tinyint(1) Not clear what this is. It is zero in all due dates except some between 2010/11/15 and 2011/05/25.
threshold int(11) How many hours before the due date a reminder is sent to participants
delayed_job_id int(11) ID of the delayed job, presumably the job that sends reminders of this due date.
deadline_name varchar(255) Name of the deadline. This is either NULL or the empty string in all deadlines.
description_url varchar(255) URL of the description
quiz_allowed_id int(11) ID of the quiz associated to the Due Date.
teammate_review_allowed_id int(11) The ID of the teammate whose review needs to be done.
type int(11) Type of the Due Date.

E/R diagram for Parents Tables

Tables referred by the Due Date Table as Foreign Key Relationship.

E/R diagram for Child Tables

No Tables refer the Due Date Table as Foreign Key Relationship.

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