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Problem Statement

After an instructor gave a grade to an assignment, there is no way to track who gave the grade. A grading audit trail must be created and the following information needs to be stored:

1. When a grade is assigned by an instructor, there needs to be an indication of who did it and when it was done.
2. Comments previously provided by other instructors must also be preserved.

This information needs to be stored every time an instructor edits a grade/comment and clicks the save button.

Currently, there are two places need to add grading audit trail:

1. Review grade: Log in as instructor -> Manage -> Assignments -> View Review Report
2. Submission grade: Log in as instructor -> Manage -> Assignments -> View submissions

Proposed Solution


We will create a database called grading_history in the system contains elements of instructor id, assignment id, grade type, student id, grade, comment, and timestamp.

We will use MVC design to create a model, a controller, and a view for both of Review Grade and Submission Grade.

Model: grading_history.rb. Has a list of attributes contains instructor id, assignment id, grade type, student id, grade, comment, and timestamp.
Controller: grading_history_controller.rb. Saves a new entry into the database every time a review grade or submission grade is saved
View: index_html.erb. Displays current submission or review's grading history. An existing example of this is a submission record in the system.

We also need to modified grades controller, so that every time, a grade is submitted or edited, grading_history_controller.rb will call a method to create an entry saves into the database.

Expected View

The list submission page with the new "grade history" option


The review report page with the new "grade history" option

Grade history for a given team


Testing Plan

Functional testing:

1. Test if SubmissionGradeHistory.create is being called when a submission grade is changed.


2. Test if ReviewGradeHistory.create is being called when a submission grade is changed.


3. Test if GradeHistory.where is being called when grading history button is clicked.


Actual Implementation

Actual View

The list submission page with the new "grade history" option

The Review Report page with the new "grade history" option

Grade history page for a given team(submission grade history)

Grade history for a given student(review grade history)

Code Changes

Files Modified

    Creates a Grading History Record for every Submission grade edited by the instructor for a Team. 

    Creates a Grading History Record for every Review grade edited by the instructor for a Student.

    Add code to support view changes for Grade Record

    Add code to support view changes for Grade Record

Files Added

    Calls the grading history view after validaing Submission and Review Type.

    Model for Grading History.

    Model containing specifics of Review Grading History. Inherits Grading History.

    Model containing specifics of Submission Grading History. Inherits Grading History.

    This is a view for grading audit trail, it will display all grading histories of a submission/review




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