Assignment questionnaires

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The assignment_questionnaires table defines the joins between a questionnaire and an assignment. It is also used to associate default limits for the notifications an instructor receives.

Assignment Questionnaires variable documentation

Field Name Type Description
id int(11) The unique record id
assignment_id int(11) The ID of the assignment in this relationship. A null value is used to define the default limits
questionnaire_id int(11) The ID of the questionnaire in this relationship. A null value is used to define the default limits
user_id int(11) The ID of the instructor who created the relationship
notification_limit int(11) A percent difference between an awarded score and the current average score as an integer. This defines at which point the instructor receives a notification that a response falls outside the acceptable range
questionnaire_weight int(11) A percentage that the questionnaire contributes to the overall score. When both assignment_id and questionnaire_id are null, this relationship defines the defaults set by the instructor.
used_in_round int(11) Questionnaire used in which particular round.
dropdown tinyint(1) Indicating whether a dropdown is present or not.

E/R diagram for Parent Tables

The table Assignment_questionnaire has not referred to any other table.

E/R diagram for Child Tables

Tables which refer the Assignment_questionnaires Table as Foreign Key Relationship.

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