Report for View (Testing)

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View Analysis and Testing


Testing Strategy

Testing method

  • Interactive (manual)

Testing Scenario

  • Complete Story
  • Split focused
  • Testing matrix

Planned Tests

Tests Done

View Analysis (Based on tests)

View Changes

Planned Changes

  1. Commit Button
  2. "+", "-" => "Add", "Remove" or icons
  3. non-purpose? square in transaction dialog

Changes Made


Test Cases

Adding first child to existing category does not create an object tree icon (plus sign)


  1. Under My Budget, highlight one of the existing category.
  2. Select Edit -> Create new category.
  3. Create a name for the new category and select one of the existing categories as the parent.
  4. Select “OK”.

Expected behavior: The parent category should have an object tree icon (plus sign) to show that it has children categories under it.

Actual behavior: Notice that the parent category does not have an object tree icon (plus sign) next to it. You will have to either highlight the category or switch view from Buddi and come back.

Remaining amount for split is shown on the text box instead of written below the box


  1. Select split (add details later)

Expected behavior: Text box for amount is automatically filled with the remaining amount shown below the box.

Actual behavior: Default amount is set to $0

Remaining amount for split transaction is negative


  1. Select split (add details later)

Expected behavior: User should be notified that the value inserted is incorrect or that the maximum value should be less than or equal to a certain number.

Actual behavior: “Save” button is grayed out and user has to figure out what went wrong.