CSC 216 F09/Poly Match Up

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Chris Rowland and Ryan Fredette


Polymorphism Match-up


This exercise will help to establish the ideas surrounding polymorphism and inheritance.


You will need index cards with all the shapes listed below written on separate cards:

Triangle Parallelogram Trapezoid Rectangle Square Pentagon Octagon Oval Circle Sphere Cube Cylinder


Have the 5 students come to the front of the class, they will be representing the objects for each round.

The class will be playing the game as rows.

Each round the 5 volunteers will get the cards represented by the 5 objects on screen.

A class will appear at the top of the screen, if you know whether an object represented by a person is a subclass or not, raise your hand.

Correct answers get your row 1 point. Wrong answers are -1 point.

Repeat for each object in a round and for each round consecutively. The row with the most points gets the ultimate grand prize of self-satisfaction.


Flash version of powerpoint. Pause between each round.


Powerpoint Version
