CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2018- Project E1808: Refactor review mapping controller.rb
Expertiza Overview
Expertiza is a platform through which students are able to view and manage their assignments, form teams for a group project and review other team's work for improvement. It uses Ruby on Rails Framework
Objectives of the Project
- Refactor automatic_review_mapping method
- Write failing tests first
- Split into several simpler methods and assign reasonable names
- Extract duplicated code into separate methods
- Refactor response_report method
- Write failing tests first
- Use factory pattern to create a corresponding report according to the switch condition
- Create corresponding helper classes for different report types
Files editted
- app/views/review_mapping/
- _answer_tagging_report.html.erb
- _calibration_report.html.erb
- _feedback_report.html.erb
- _plagiarism_checker_report.html.erb
- _review_report.html.erb
- _self_review_report.html.erb
- _summary_report.html.haml
- _summary_reviewee_report.html.haml
- _team_score.html.erb
- _teammate_review_report.html.erb
- app/views/user_pastebins/
- _save_text_macros.html.erb
- app/controllers/
- review_mapping_controller.rb
- app/helpers/
- response_report_helper.rb
- review_mapping_helper.rb
- automatic_review_mapping_helper.rb
- spec/controllers
- review_mapping_controller_spec.rb
- spec/helpers
- automatic_review_mapping_helper_spec.rb
About Review Mapping Controller
Review mapping controller handles the review responses that are done on every assignment. It assigns reviews to different teams or individual student depending on the type of assignment(team project or individual project). It keeps track that all the teams are reviewed and assigned teams to review too.
Refactoring is used to improve a design code by changing the structure of the code such that the functionality remains the same. The changes made are quite small, but the overall effect becomes significant.
Refactoring automatic_review_mapping method
As this method was long and complex it needed to be broken down into smaller methods with specific functionality.
def automatic_review_mapping assignment_id = params[:id].to_i participants = AssignmentParticipant.where(parent_id: params[:id].to_i).to_a.reject {|p| p.can_review == false }.shuffle! teams = AssignmentTeam.where(parent_id: params[:id].to_i).to_a.shuffle! max_team_size = Integer(params[:max_team_size]) # Assignment.find(assignment_id).max_team_size # Create teams if its an individual assignment. if teams.empty? and max_team_size == 1 participants.each do |participant| user = participant.user next if TeamsUser.team_id(assignment_id, team = AssignmentTeam.create_team_and_node(assignment_id) ApplicationController.helpers.create_team_users(participant.user, teams << team end end student_review_num = params[:num_reviews_per_student].to_i submission_review_num = params[:num_reviews_per_submission].to_i calibrated_artifacts_num = params[:num_calibrated_artifacts].to_i uncalibrated_artifacts_num = params[:num_uncalibrated_artifacts].to_i if calibrated_artifacts_num == 0 and uncalibrated_artifacts_num == 0 if student_review_num == 0 and submission_review_num == 0 flash[:error] = "Please choose either the number of reviews per student or the number of reviewers per team (student)." elsif (student_review_num != 0 and submission_review_num == 0) or (student_review_num == 0 and submission_review_num != 0) # REVIEW: mapping strategy automatic_review_mapping_strategy(assignment_id, participants, teams, student_review_num, submission_review_num) else flash[:error] = "Please choose either the number of reviews per student or the number of reviewers per team (student), not both." end else teams_with_calibrated_artifacts = [] teams_with_uncalibrated_artifacts = [] ReviewResponseMap.where(reviewed_object_id: assignment_id, calibrate_to: 1).each do |response_map| teams_with_calibrated_artifacts << AssignmentTeam.find(response_map.reviewee_id) end teams_with_uncalibrated_artifacts = teams - teams_with_calibrated_artifacts # REVIEW: mapping strategy automatic_review_mapping_strategy(assignment_id, participants, teams_with_calibrated_artifacts.shuffle!, calibrated_artifacts_num, 0) # REVIEW: mapping strategy # since after first mapping, participants (delete_at) will be nil participants = AssignmentParticipant.where(parent_id: params[:id].to_i).to_a.reject {|p| p.can_review == false }.shuffle! automatic_review_mapping_strategy(assignment_id, participants, teams_with_uncalibrated_artifacts.shuffle!, uncalibrated_artifacts_num, 0) end redirect_to action: 'list_mappings', id: assignment_id end
After Refactoring:
def automatic_review_mapping helper = begin helper.automatic_review_mapping_strategy rescue Exception => e flash[:error] = e.message end redirect_to action: 'list_mappings', id: helper.assignment_id end
This method automatic_review_mapping was very long and complex. A few methods in the controller were acting as private methods for this method and were being called only in this method. So this automatic_review_mapping method was split into smaller methods. All these small methods and the private methods were shifted to a helper class: AutomaticReviewMappingHelper.
- initialize(created)
- automatic_review_mapping_strategy(updated)
- execute_peer_review_strategy(updated)
- peer_review_strategy(updated)
- assign_reviewers_for_team(updated)
The common parameters that are used in the automatic review mapping method are defined here so that they can be used as instance variables throughout for better flow of the code.
def initialize(params) @assignment_id = params[:id].to_i @participants = AssignmentParticipant.where(parent_id: @assignment_id).to_a.reject {|p| p.can_review == false }.shuffle! @teams = AssignmentTeam.where(parent_id: @assignment_id).to_a.shuffle! max_team_size = Integer(params[:max_team_size]) # Assignment.find(assignment_id).max_team_size # Create teams if its an individual assignment. if @teams.empty? and max_team_size == 1 @participants.each do |participant| user = participant.user next if TeamsUser.team_id(@assignment_id, team = AssignmentTeam.create_team_and_node(@assignment_id) ApplicationController.helpers.create_team_users(user, @teams << team end end @student_review_num = params[:num_reviews_per_student].to_i @submission_review_num = params[:num_reviews_per_submission].to_i @calibrated_artifacts_num = params[:num_calibrated_artifacts].to_i @uncalibrated_artifacts_num = params[:num_uncalibrated_artifacts].to_i @participants_hash = {} @participants.each {|participant| @participants_hash[] = 0 } end
def automatic_review_mapping_strategy if @calibrated_artifacts_num == 0 and @uncalibrated_artifacts_num == 0 if @student_review_num == 0 and @submission_review_num == 0 raise 'Please choose either the number of reviews per student or the number of reviewers per team (student).' elsif (@student_review_num != 0 and @submission_review_num == 0) or (@student_review_num == 0 and @submission_review_num != 0) execute_peer_review_strategy(@teams, @student_review_num, @submission_review_num) assign_reviewers_for_team(@student_review_num) else raise 'Please choose either the number of reviews per student or the number of reviewers per team (student), not both.' end else @teams_with_calibrated_artifacts = [] @teams_with_uncalibrated_artifacts = [] ReviewResponseMap.where(reviewed_object_id: @assignment_id, calibrate_to: 1).each do |response_map| @teams_with_calibrated_artifacts << AssignmentTeam.find(response_map.reviewee_id) end @teams_with_uncalibrated_artifacts = @teams - @teams_with_calibrated_artifacts execute_peer_review_strategy(@teams_with_calibrated_artifacts.shuffle!, @calibrated_artifacts_num, 0) assign_reviewers_for_team(@calibrated_artifacts_num) @participants = AssignmentParticipant.where(parent_id: @assignment_id).to_a.reject {|p| p.can_review == false }.shuffle! @participants_hash = {} @participants.each {|participant| @participants_hash[] = 0 } execute_peer_review_strategy(@teams_with_uncalibrated_artifacts.shuffle!, @uncalibrated_artifacts_num, 0) assign_reviewers_for_team(@uncalibrated_artifacts_num) end end
def execute_peer_review_strategy(teams, student_review_num = 0, submission_review_num = 0) if student_review_num != 0 and submission_review_num == 0 @num_reviews_per_team = (@participants.size * student_review_num * 1.0 / teams.size).round @exact_num_of_review_needed = @participants.size * student_review_num elsif student_review_num == 0 and submission_review_num != 0 @num_reviews_per_team = submission_review_num student_review_num = (teams.size * submission_review_num * 1.0 / (@participants.size)).round @exact_num_of_review_needed = teams.size * submission_review_num @student_review_num = student_review_num end if @student_review_num >= teams.size raise 'You cannot set the number of reviews done \ by each student to be greater than or equal to total number of teams \ [or "participants" if it is an individual assignment].' end peer_review_strategy(teams, student_review_num) end
def peer_review_strategy(teams, student_review_num) num_participants = @participants.size iterator = 0 teams.each do |team| selected_participants = [] if !team.equal? teams.last # need to even out the # of reviews for teams while selected_participants.size < @num_reviews_per_team num_participants_this_team = TeamsUser.where(team_id: # If there are some submitters or reviewers in this team, they are not treated as normal participants. # They should be removed from 'num_participants_this_team' TeamsUser.where(team_id: do |team_user| temp_participant = Participant.where(user_id: team_user.user_id, parent_id: @assignment_id).first num_participants_this_team -= 1 if temp_participant.can_review == false or temp_participant.can_submit == false end # if all outstanding participants are already in selected_participants, just break the loop. break if selected_participants.size == @participants.size - num_participants_this_team # generate random number if iterator == 0 rand_num = rand(0..num_participants - 1) else min_value = @participants_hash.values.min # get the temp array including indices of participants, each participant has minimum review number in hash table. participants_with_min_assigned_reviews = [] @participants.each do |participant| participants_with_min_assigned_reviews << @participants.index(participant) if @participants_hash[] == min_value end # if participants_with_min_assigned_reviews is blank if_condition_1 = participants_with_min_assigned_reviews.empty? # or only one element in participants_with_min_assigned_reviews, prohibit one student to review his/her own artifact if_condition_2 = (participants_with_min_assigned_reviews.size == 1 and TeamsUser.exists?(team_id:, user_id: @participants[participants_with_min_assigned_reviews[0]].user_id)) rand_num = if if_condition_1 or if_condition_2 # use original method to get random number rand(0..num_participants - 1) else # rand_num should be the position of this participant in original array participants_with_min_assigned_reviews[rand(0..participants_with_min_assigned_reviews.size - 1)] end end # prohibit one student to review his/her own artifact next if TeamsUser.exists?(team_id:, user_id: @participants[rand_num].user_id) if_condition_1 = (@participants_hash[@participants[rand_num].id] < student_review_num) if_condition_2 = (!selected_participants.include? @participants[rand_num].id) if if_condition_1 and if_condition_2 # selected_participants cannot include duplicate num selected_participants << @participants[rand_num].id @participants_hash[@participants[rand_num].id] += 1 end # remove students who have already been assigned enough num of reviews out of participants array @participants.each do |participant| if @participants_hash[] == student_review_num @participants.delete_at(rand_num) num_participants -= 1 end end end else # REVIEW: num for last team can be different from other teams. # prohibit one student to review his/her own artifact and selected_participants cannot include duplicate num @participants.each do |participant| # avoid last team receives too many peer reviews if !TeamsUser.exists?(team_id:, user_id: participant.user_id) and selected_participants.size < @num_reviews_per_team selected_participants << @participants_hash[] += 1 end end end begin selected_participants.each {|index| ReviewResponseMap.where(reviewee_id:, reviewer_id: index, reviewed_object_id: @ assignment_id).first_or_create } rescue StandardError raise "Automatic assignment of reviewer failed." end iterator += 1 end end
def assign_reviewers_for_team(student_review_num) if ReviewResponseMap.where(reviewed_object_id: @assignment_id, calibrate_to: 0).where("created_at > :time",time: @@time_create_last_review_mapping_record).size < @exact_num_of_review_needed participants_with_insufficient_review_num = [] @participants_hash.each do |participant_id, review_num| participants_with_insufficient_review_num << participant_id if review_num < student_review_num end unsorted_teams_hash = {} ReviewResponseMap.where(reviewed_object_id: @assignment_id,calibrate_to: 0).each do |response_map| if unsorted_teams_hash.key? response_map.reviewee_id unsorted_teams_hash[response_map.reviewee_id] += 1 else unsorted_teams_hash[response_map.reviewee_id] = 1 end end teams_hash = unsorted_teams_hash.sort_by {|_, v| v }.to_h participants_with_insufficient_review_num.each do |participant_id| teams_hash.each do |team_id, _num_review_received| next if TeamsUser.exists?(team_id: team_id, user_id: Participant.find(participant_id).user_id) ReviewResponseMap.where(reviewee_id: team_id, reviewer_id: participant_id,reviewed_object_id: @assignment_id).first_or_create teams_hash[team_id] += 1 teams_hash = teams_hash.sort_by {|_, v| v }.to_h break end end end @@time_create_last_review_mapping_record = ReviewResponseMap. where(reviewed_object_id: @assignment_id). last.created_at end end end
Refactoring response_report method
This method consisted of long case statements making it a long and complex to understand. So this method was refactored using Factory Design Pattern.
def response_report # Get the assignment id and set it in an instance variable which will be used in view @id = params[:id] @assignment = Assignment.find(@id) # ACS Removed the if condition(and corressponding else) which differentiate assignments as team and individual assignments # to treat all assignments as team assignments @type = params.key?(:report) ? params[:report][:type] : "ReviewResponseMap" summary_ws_url = WEBSERVICE_CONFIG["summary_webservice_url"] case @type # this summarizes the reviews of each reviewee by each rubric criterion when "SummaryByRevieweeAndCriteria" sum =, summary_ws_url) # list of variables used in the view and the parameters (should have been done as objects instead of hash maps) # @summary[reviewee][round][question] # @reviewers[team][reviewer] # @avg_scores_by_reviewee[team] # @avg_score_round[reviewee][round] # @avg_scores_by_criterion[reviewee][round][criterion] @summary = sum.summary @reviewers = sum.reviewers @avg_scores_by_reviewee = sum.avg_scores_by_reviewee @avg_scores_by_round = sum.avg_scores_by_round @avg_scores_by_criterion = sum.avg_scores_by_criterion # this summarizes all reviews by each rubric criterion when "SummaryByCriteria" sum =, summary_ws_url) @summary = sum.summary @avg_scores_by_round = sum.avg_scores_by_round @avg_scores_by_criterion = sum.avg_scores_by_criterion when "ReviewResponseMap" @review_user = params[:user] # If review response is required call review_response_report method in review_response_map model @reviewers = ReviewResponseMap.review_response_report(@id, @assignment, @type, @review_user) @review_scores = @assignment.compute_reviews_hash @avg_and_ranges = @assignment.compute_avg_and_ranges_hash when "FeedbackResponseMap" # If review report for feedback is required call feedback_response_report method in feedback_review_response_map model if @assignment.varying_rubrics_by_round? @authors, @all_review_response_ids_round_one, @all_review_response_ids_round_two, @all_review_response_ids_round_three = FeedbackResponseMap.feedback_response_report(@id, @type) else @authors, @all_review_response_ids = FeedbackResponseMap.feedback_response_report(@id, @type) end when "TeammateReviewResponseMap" # If review report for teammate is required call teammate_response_report method in teammate_review_response_map model @reviewers = TeammateReviewResponseMap.teammate_response_report(@id) when "Calibration" participant = AssignmentParticipant.where(parent_id: params[:id], user_id: session[:user].id).first rescue nil if participant.nil? participant = AssignmentParticipant.create(parent_id: params[:id], user_id: session[:user].id, can_submit: 1, can_review: 1, can_take_quiz: 1, handle: 'handle') end @review_questionnaire_ids ="id") @assignment_questionnaire = AssignmentQuestionnaire.where(assignment_id: params[:id], questionnaire_id: @review_questionnaire_ids).first @questions = {|q| q.type == 'Criterion' or q.type == 'Scale' } @calibration_response_maps = ReviewResponseMap.where(reviewed_object_id: params[:id], calibrate_to: 1) @review_response_map_ids ='id').where(reviewed_object_id: params[:id], calibrate_to: 0) @responses = Response.where(map_id: @review_response_map_ids) when "PlagiarismCheckerReport" @plagiarism_checker_comparisons = PlagiarismCheckerComparison.where(plagiarism_checker_assignment_submission_id: PlagiarismCheckerAssignmentSubmission.where(assignment_id: params[:id]).pluck(:id)) when "AnswerTaggingReport" tag_prompt_deployments = TagPromptDeployment.where(assignment_id: params[:id]) @questionnaire_tagging_report = {} tag_prompt_deployments.each do |tag_dep| @questionnaire_tagging_report[tag_dep] = tag_dep.assignment_tagging_progress end when "SelfReview" @self_review_response_maps = SelfReviewResponseMap.where(reviewed_object_id: @id) end @user_pastebins = UserPastebin.get_current_user_pastebin current_user end
After Refactoring
def response_report # Get the assignment id and set it in an instance variable which will be used in view @id = params[:id] @assignment = Assignment.find(@id) # ACS Removed the if condition(and corressponding else) which differentiate assignments as team and individual assignments # to treat all assignments as team assignments @type = params.key?(:report) ? params[:report][:type] : "ReviewResponseMap" review_user = params[:user] @response_report_result =, @assignment, @type, review_user) @user_pastebins = UserPastebin.get_current_user_pastebin current_user end
As seen, the controller method originally was sharing a lot of instance variables with the corresponding views, and it has the long switch statements. Each switch condition is corresponding to a different type of report. Thus, different report helper classes are created for different types of report. These helper classes are grouped in the helper module: ResponseReportHelper.
# SummaryByRevieweeAndCriteria class SummaryRevieweeReport def initialize(assignment, summary_ws_url) sum =, summary_ws_url) @summary = sum.summary @reviewers = sum.reviewers @avg_scores_by_reviewee = sum.avg_scores_by_reviewee @avg_scores_by_round = sum.avg_scores_by_round @avg_scores_by_criterion = sum.avg_scores_by_criterion end attr_reader :summary attr_reader :reviewers attr_reader :avg_scores_by_reviewee attr_reader :avg_scores_by_round attr_reader :avg_scores_by_criterion end
# SummaryByCriteria class SummaryReport def initialize(assignment, summary_ws_url) sum =, summary_ws_url) @summary = sum.summary @avg_scores_by_round = sum.avg_scores_by_round @avg_scores_by_criterion = sum.avg_scores_by_criterion end attr_reader :summary attr_reader :avg_scores_by_round attr_reader :avg_scores_by_criterion end
# ReviewResponseMap class ReviewReport def initialize(id, assignment, type, review_user) @reviewers = ReviewResponseMap.review_response_report(id, assignment, type, review_user) @review_scores = assignment.compute_reviews_hash @avg_and_ranges = assignment.compute_avg_and_ranges_hash end attr_reader :reviewers attr_reader :review_scores attr_reader :avg_and_ranges end
# FeedbackResponseMap class FeedbackReport def initialize(id, assignment, type) if assignment.varying_rubrics_by_round? @authors, @all_review_response_ids_round_one, @all_review_response_ids_round_two, @all_review_response_ids_round_three = FeedbackResponseMap.feedback_response_report(id, type) else @authors, @all_review_response_ids = FeedbackResponseMap.feedback_response_report(id, type) end end attr_reader :authors attr_reader :all_review_response_ids_round_one attr_reader :all_review_response_ids_round_two attr_reader :all_review_response_ids_round_three attr_reader :all_review_response_ids end
# TeammateReviewResponseMap class TeammateReviewReport def initialize(id) @reviewers = TeammateReviewResponseMap.teammate_response_report(id) end attr_reader :reviewers end
# Calibration class CalibrationReport def initialize(id) review_questionnaire_ids ='id') @assignment_questionnaire = AssignmentQuestionnaire.where(assignment_id: id, questionnaire_id: review_questionnaire_ids).first @questions = {|q| q.type == 'Criterion' or q.type == 'Scale' } @calibration_response_maps = ReviewResponseMap.where(reviewed_object_id: id, calibrate_to: 1) review_response_map_ids ='id').where(reviewed_object_id: id, calibrate_to: 0) @responses = Response.where(map_id: review_response_map_ids) end attr_reader :assignment_questionnaire attr_reader :questions attr_reader :calibration_response_maps attr_reader :responses end
# PlagiarismCheckerReport class PlagiarismCheckerReport def initialize(id) @plagiarism_checker_comparisons = PlagiarismCheckerComparison.where(plagiarism_checker_assignment_submission_id: PlagiarismCheckerAssignmentSubmission.where(assignment_id: id).pluck(:id)) end attr_reader :plagiarism_checker_comparisons end
# AnswerTaggingReport class AnswerTaggingReport def initialize(id) tag_prompt_deployments = TagPromptDeployment.where(assignment_id: id) @questionnaire_tagging_report = {} tag_prompt_deployments.each do |tag_dep| @questionnaire_tagging_report[tag_dep] = tag_dep.assignment_tagging_progress end end attr_reader :questionnaire_tagging_report end
# SelfReview class SelfReviewReport def initialize(id) @self_review_response_maps = SelfReviewResponseMap.where(reviewed_object_id: id) end attr_reader :self_review_response_maps end
The Factory Pattern is used to create a corresponding type of report, according to the switch condition.
# ResponseReportFactory class ResponseReportFactory def create_response_report (id, assignment, type, review_user) summary_ws_url = WEBSERVICE_CONFIG["summary_webservice_url"] case type when "SummaryByRevieweeAndCriteria", summary_ws_url) when "SummaryByCriteria", summary_ws_url) when "ReviewResponseMap", assignment, type, review_user) when "FeedbackResponseMap", assignment, type) when "TeammateReviewResponseMap" when "Calibration" when "PlagiarismCheckerReport" when "AnswerTaggingReport" when "SelfReview" end end end
Test Plan
- Tests for these methods already existed. We altered them according to the refactoring that needed to be done.
- Additional tests were added for the corner cases that weren't being tested.
- The part which is not tested, contains local variables and hence was not tested in rspec.
- After Refactoring the tests pass for all the test cases.
- Test cases for automatic_review_mapping for which tests are run:
- all the parameters are 0
- all parameters except student_review_num are 0
- calibrated parameters are 0 review_num are non-zero
- Team is empty, max team size is 1 and when review_num parameters are not zero
- Create Teams when team is empty
- when artifacts num are non zero it should set the instance variables and call methods.
- Test cases for response_report for which tests are run:
- when type is SummaryByRevieweeAndCriteria
- when type is SummaryByCriteria
- when type is ReviewResponseMap
- when type is FeedbackResponseMap
- when assignment does not have varying_rubrics_by_round feature
- when type is TeammateReviewResponseMap
- when type is Calibration and participant variable is nil
- when type is PlagiarismCheckerReport
Tests for automatic_review_mapping:
describe '#automatic_review_mapping' do before(:each) do allow(AssignmentParticipant).to receive(:where).with(parent_id: 1).and_return([participant, participant1, participant2]) end context 'when teams is not empty' do before(:each) do allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive(:where).with(parent_id: 1).and_return([team, team1]) end context 'when all nums in params are 0' do it 'shows an error flash message and redirects to review_mapping#list_mappings page' do params = { id: 1, max_team_size: 1, num_reviews_per_student: 0, num_reviews_per_submission: 0, num_calibrated_artifacts: 0, num_uncalibrated_artifacts: 0 } post :automatic_review_mapping, params expect(flash[:error]).to eq('Please choose either the number of reviews per student or the number of reviewers per team (student).') expect(response).to redirect_to('/review_mapping/list_mappings?id=1') end end context 'when all nums in params are 0 except student_review_num' do it 'runs automatic review mapping strategy and redirects to review_mapping#list_mappings page' do allow_any_instance_of(ReviewMappingController).to receive(:automatic_review_mapping_strategy).with(any_args).and_return(true) params = { id: 1, max_team_size: 1, num_reviews_per_student: 1, num_reviews_per_submission: 0, num_calibrated_artifacts: 0, num_uncalibrated_artifacts: 0 } post :automatic_review_mapping, params expect(flash[:error]).to be nil expect(response).to redirect_to('/review_mapping/list_mappings?id=1') end end context 'when all nums in calibrated params are 0 review nums are not' do it 'shows an error message and redirects to review_mapping#list_mappings page' do allow_any_instance_of(ReviewMappingController).to receive(:automatic_review_mapping_strategy).with(any_args).and_return(true) params = { id: 1, max_team_size: 1, num_reviews_per_student: 1, num_reviews_per_submission: 1, num_calibrated_artifacts: 0, num_uncalibrated_artifacts: 0 } post :automatic_review_mapping, params expect(flash[:error]).to eq('Please choose either the number of reviews per student or the number of reviewers per team (student), not both.') expect(response).to redirect_to('/review_mapping/list_mappings?id=1') end end context 'when calibrated params are not 0' do it 'runs automatic review mapping strategy and redirects to review_mapping#list_mappings page' do allow(ReviewResponseMap).to receive(:where).with(reviewed_object_id: 1, calibrate_to: 1).and_return([double('ReviewResponseMap', reviewee_id: 2)]) allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive(:find).with(2).and_return(team) allow_any_instance_of(AutomaticReviewMappingHelper).to receive(:automatic_review_mapping_strategy).with(any_args).and_return(true) params = { id: 1, max_team_size: 1, num_reviews_per_student: 1, num_reviews_per_submission: 0, num_calibrated_artifacts: 1, num_uncalibrated_artifacts: 1 } post :automatic_review_mapping, params #expect(flash[:error]).to be nil expect(response).to redirect_to('/review_mapping/list_mappings?id=1') end end end context 'when teams is empty, max team size is 1 and when review params are not 0' do it 'shows an error flash message and redirects to review_mapping#list_mappings page' do allow(TeamsUser).to receive(:team_id).with(1, 2).and_return(true) allow(TeamsUser).to receive(:team_id).with(1, 3).and_return(false) allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive(:create_team_and_node).with(1).and_return(double('AssignmentTeam', id: 1)) allow(ApplicationController).to receive_message_chain(:helpers, :create_team_users).with(no_args).with(user, 1).and_return(true) params = { id: 1, max_team_size: 1, num_reviews_per_student: 1, num_reviews_per_submission: 4, num_calibrated_artifacts: 0, num_uncalibrated_artifacts: 0 } post :automatic_review_mapping, params expect(flash[:error]).to eq('Please choose either the number of reviews per student or the number of reviewers per team (student), not both.') expect(response).to redirect_to('/review_mapping/list_mappings?id=1') end end context 'When team is Empty' do it 'Create Teams' do subject {let(:team2) {double('AssignmentTeam', name: 'no one2', id: 3)}} allow(subject).to receive(:empty?).and_return(true) allow(TeamsUser).to receive(:team_id).with(1, 2).and_return(true) allow(TeamsUser).to receive(:team_id).with(1, 3).and_return(false) allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive(:create_team_and_node).with(1).and_return(double('AssignmentTeam', id: 1)) allow(ApplicationController).to receive_message_chain(:helpers, :create_team_users).with(no_args).with(user, 1).and_return(true) params = { id: 1, max_team_size: 1, num_reviews_per_student: 1, num_reviews_per_submission: 4, num_calibrated_artifacts: 0, num_uncalibrated_artifacts: 0 } post :automatic_review_mapping, params end end context 'when artifacts nums are not zero' do it 'sets instance variables and calls methods' do allow_any_instance_of(AutomaticReviewMappingHelper).to receive(:assign_reviewers_for_team).with(:calibrated_artifacts_num, :params) allow(AssignmentParticipant).to receive(:where).with(parent_id: :assignment_id).and_return(participant) expect(flash[:error]).to be(nil) expect(assigns(:participants_hash)).to be(nil) allow_any_instance_of(AutomaticReviewMappingHelper).to receive(:execute_peer_review_strategy).with(any_args) allow_any_instance_of(AutomaticReviewMappingHelper).to receive(:assign_reviewers_for_team).with(:uncalibrated_artifacts_num, :params) end end end
Test for response report:
describe 'response_report' do before(:each) do stub_const('WEBSERVICE_CONFIG', 'summary_webservice_url' => '') end context 'when type is SummaryByRevieweeAndCriteria' do it 'renders response_report page with corresponding data' do allow(SummaryHelper::Summary).to receive_message_chain(:new, :summarize_reviews_by_reviewees) .with(no_args).with(assignment, '') .and_return(double('Summary', summary: 'awesome!', reviewers: [participant, participant1], avg_scores_by_reviewee: 95, avg_scores_by_round: 92, avg_scores_by_criterion: 94)) params = { id: 1, report: {type: 'SummaryByRevieweeAndCriteria'} } get :response_report, params expect(response).to render_template(:response_report) end end context 'when type is SummaryByCriteria' do it 'renders response_report page with corresponding data' do allow(SummaryHelper::Summary).to receive_message_chain(:new, :summarize_reviews_by_criterion) .with(no_args).with(assignment, '') .and_return(double('Summary', summary: 'awesome!', reviewers: [participant, participant1], avg_scores_by_reviewee: 95, avg_scores_by_round: 92, avg_scores_by_criterion: 94)) params = { id: 1, report: {type: 'SummaryByCriteria'} } get :response_report, params expect(response).to render_template(:response_report) end end context 'when type is ReviewResponseMap' do it 'renders response_report page with corresponding data' do allow(ReviewResponseMap).to receive(:review_response_report).with('1', assignment, 'ReviewResponseMap', 'no one') .and_return([participant, participant1]) allow(assignment).to receive(:compute_reviews_hash).and_return('1' => 'good') allow(assignment).to receive(:compute_avg_and_ranges_hash).and_return(avg: 94, range: [90, 99]) params = { id: 1, report: {type: 'ReviewResponseMap'}, user: 'no one' } get :response_report, params expect(response).to render_template(:response_report) end end context 'when type is FeedbackResponseMap' do context 'when assignment has varying_rubrics_by_round feature' do it 'renders response_report page with corresponding data' do allow(assignment).to receive(:varying_rubrics_by_round?).and_return(true) allow(FeedbackResponseMap).to receive(:feedback_response_report).with('1', 'FeedbackResponseMap') .and_return([participant, participant1], [1, 2], [3, 4], []) params = { id: 1, report: {type: 'FeedbackResponseMap'} } get :response_report, params expect(response).to render_template(:response_report) end end context 'when assignment does not have varying_rubrics_by_round feature' do it 'renders response_report page with corresponding data' do allow(assignment).to receive(:varying_rubrics_by_round?).and_return(false) allow(FeedbackResponseMap).to receive(:feedback_response_report).with('1', 'FeedbackResponseMap') .and_return([participant, participant1], [1, 2, 3, 4]) params = { id: 1, report: {type: 'FeedbackResponseMap'} } get :response_report, params expect(response).to render_template(:response_report) end end end context 'when type is TeammateReviewResponseMap' do it 'renders response_report page with corresponding data' do allow(TeammateReviewResponseMap).to receive(:teammate_response_report).with('1').and_return([participant, participant2]) params = { id: 1, report: {type: 'TeammateReviewResponseMap'} } get :response_report, params expect(response).to render_template(:response_report) end end context 'when type is Calibration and participant variable is nil' do it 'renders response_report page with corresponding data' do allow(AssignmentParticipant).to receive(:where).with(parent_id: '1', user_id: 3).and_return([nil]) allow(AssignmentParticipant).to receive(:create) .with(parent_id: '1', user_id: 3, can_submit: 1, can_review: 1, can_take_quiz: 1, handle: 'handle').and_return(participant) allow(ReviewQuestionnaire).to receive(:select).with('id').and_return([1, 2, 3]) assignment_questionnaire = double('AssignmentQuestionnaire') allow(AssignmentQuestionnaire).to receive(:where).with(assignment_id: '1', questionnaire_id: [1, 2, 3]) .and_return([assignment_questionnaire]) allow(assignment_questionnaire).to receive_message_chain(:questionnaire, :questions).and_return([double('Question', type: 'Criterion')]) allow(ReviewResponseMap).to receive(:where).with(reviewed_object_id: '1', calibrate_to: 1).and_return([review_response_map]) allow(ReviewResponseMap).to receive_message_chain(:select, :where).with('id').with(reviewed_object_id: '1', calibrate_to: 0) .and_return([1, 2]) allow(Response).to receive(:where).with(map_id: [1, 2]).and_return([double('response')]) params = { id: 1, report: {type: 'Calibration'} } session = {user: user} get :response_report, params, session expect(response).to render_template(:response_report) end end context 'when type is PlagiarismCheckerReport' do it 'renders response_report page with corresponding data' do allow(PlagiarismCheckerAssignmentSubmission).to receive_message_chain(:where, :pluck).with(assignment_id: '1').with(:id) .and_return([double('PlagiarismCheckerAssignmentSubmission', id: 1)]) allow(PlagiarismCheckerAssignmentSubmission).to receive(:where).with(plagiarism_checker_assignment_submission_id: 1) .and_return([double('PlagiarismCheckerAssignmentSubmission')]) params = { id: 1, report: {type: 'PlagiarismCheckerReport'} } get :response_report, params expect(response).to render_template(:response_report) end end end
Additional Tests in the Controller:
describe '#select_reviewer' do before(:each) do allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive(:find).with('1').and_return(team) @params = { contributor_id: 1 } end it " sets the values of the contributor" do post :select_reviewer, @params expect(assigns(:contributor)).to eq(team) end end describe '#select_metareviewer' do before(:each) do allow(ResponseMap).to receive(:find).with('1').and_return(review_response_map) @params = { id: 1 } end it 'Selects the metareviewer' do post :select_metareviewer, @params expect(assigns(:mapping)).to eq(review_response_map) end end
Additional Tests in helper_spec:
require 'rails_helper' require 'spec_helper' describe 'AutomaticReviewMappingHelper' do before(:each) do @assignment = create(:assignment) @participant = create(:participant) end let(:team) { double('AssignmentTeam', name: 'no one' ,id: 1) } let(:team1) { double('AssignmentTeam', name: 'no one1', id: 2) } describe '#automatic_review_mapping_strategy' do context 'When all the calibrated params are not zero' do it 'sets the values of different instance variables and calls appropriate methods' do allow(helper).to receive(:assign_reviewers_for_team).with(:calibrated_artifacts_num, :params) end end context 'when calibrated params are not zero' do it 'raises an exception if the student reviews are greater or equals the number of teams' do teams = [team,team1] expect { helper.execute_peer_review_strategy(teams,0,0,:params) }.to raise_exception(NoMethodError) end end end describe '#execute_peer_review_strategy' do it 'Raises an exception' do expect{raise 'You cannot set the number of reviews done \ by each student to be greater than or equal to total number of teams \ [or "participants" if it is an individual assignment].' }.to raise_exception(StandardError) end end describe '#peer_review_strategy' do it 'raises an exception' do expect{raise "Automatic assignment of reviewer failed."}.to raise_exception(StandardError) end end end
Tests passed for Revised Code:
- Test for helper
- Test for Controller
Steps for Manual Testing
- Download Ubuntu-Expertiza image (.OVA)
- (Download an Ubuntu-Expertiza image (.OVA) including latest DB.)
- Install VirtualBox and import this image to the VirtualBox.
- clone the repo (steps 2 to 5 are executed from the terminal in the image.)
- git clone
- go to expertiza folder
- cd expertiza
- run bash
- bash
- run bundle install
- bundle install
- run rails server
- rails server
- Use firefox in the image and test response_report method
- Type in
- If you need to log in, use account name “instructor6”, and password “password”.
- In order to view different reports, select different types of report and click “Submit” button.
- Use firefox browser in the image and test automatic_review_mapping method
- Type in
- If you need to log in, use account name “instructor6”, and password “password”.
- select Insturctor-Selected from Review Strategy dropdown
- Here are three different strategies to assign reviewers. In order to assign reviewers, enter a number in the text field and click “Assign reviewers” or “Assign both calibrated and uncalibrated artifacts” button.
Team Members
- Sanika Sabnis
- Saurabh Labde
- Xiaohui Ellis