CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2018/OSS E1848 Write unit tests for assignment team.rb
For this project, the goal is to write up unit tests for assignment_team.rb
Assignment_team.rb in Expertiza provides a method for student to assign a team and finish one assignment. Features come at the cost of complexity; this project is focused on creating the test methods to ensure that user interaction with the assignment interface remains stable and reliable.
- The forked git repository for this project can be found here
- The pull request link can be found here
Bugs in assignment_team.rb
We found some bugs in assignment_team.rb:
- In assign_reviewer(reviewer)
42: assignment = Assignment.find(self.parent_id) => assignment = Assignment.find_by(id: parent_id)
Here, the "find(self.parent_id)" should be changed into "find_by(id: parent_id)". In the first case, if there's no instance that has this parent_id, the "find(self.parent_id)" returns an error, but in the second case, the method returns an empty instance.
When the assignment record cannot be found by the parent id of the current assignment team, we are supposed to raise a customer exception, not the exception that's returned by the find function. So we need to change the method into "find_by(id: parent_id)".
- In self.import(row, assignment_id, options)
108: id.to_s => assignment_id.to_s The id doesn't exist in the AssignmentTeam
Help Method
We use 'let' to define a memoized helper method. The value will be cached across multiple calls in the same example but not across examples.
let(:user) { 1) } let(:assignment_team) { build(:assignment_team, id: 2, parent_id: 2, name: "team2", users: [user], submitted_hyperlinks: "") } let(:assignment_team1) { build(:assignment_team, id: 1, parent_id: 1, name: "team1", submitted_hyperlinks: "") } let(:assignment_team2) { build(:assignment_team, id: 3, parent_id: 3, directory_num: -1) } let(:questions) { {QuizQuestionnaire: double(:question)} } let(:questionnaire) { build(:questionnaire) } let(:assignment) { build(:assignment, id: 1, questionnaires: [questionnaire], name: 'Test Assgt') } let(:courseTeam) { build(:course_team, id: 1) } let(:team) { build(:assignment_team) } let(:team_user) { build(:team_user) } let(:team_without_submitted_hyperlinks) { build(:assignment_team, submitted_hyperlinks: "") } let(:participant1) { build(:participant, id: 1, user: build(:student, id: 1, name: 'no name', fullname: 'no one')) } let(:participant2) { build(:participant, id: 2) } let(:review_response_map) { build(:review_response_map, id: 1, assignment: assignment, reviewer: participant1, reviewee: assignment_team1) } let(:signed_up_team) { build(:signed_up_team, id: 1, team_id: 1, is_waitlisted: 0, topic_id: 1) }
Project Description
There are some examples for how this project create test methods for assignment_team.rb
Create a team
In assignment_team.rb,there is a method return the team given the participant.
def return nil if participant.nil? team = nil teams_users = TeamsUser.where(user_id: participant.user_id) return nil unless teams_users teams_users.each do |teams_user| team = Team.find(teams_user.team_id) return team if team.parent_id == participant.parent_id end nil end
Based on the above method, the test case can be created, and there are three different possible results could be generated.
- when the participant is nil
it "returns nil" do expect( eq(nil) end
- when there are not team users records
it "returns nil" do allow(TeamsUser).to receive(:where).with(user_id: 1).and_return(nil) expect( eq(nil) end
- when the participant is not nil and there exist team users records
it "returns the team given the participant" do allow(TeamsUser).to receive(:where).with(user_id: 1).and_return([team_user]) allow(Team).to receive(:find).with(1).and_return(team) expect( eq(team) end
Remove team by id
The assignment_team.rb also provide a method which could remove team by id.
def self.remove_team_by_id(id) old_team = AssignmentTeam.find(id) old_team.destroy unless old_team.nil? end
Based on the above code, the test case can be created:
it "deletes a team given the team id" do old_team = assignment_team1 allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive(:find).with(1).and_return(old_team) allow(old_team).to receive(:destroy).and_return(old_team) expect(AssignmentTeam.remove_team_by_id(1)).to eq(old_team) end
Return the topic chosen by the team
The assignment_team.rb offers a method that could return the topic chosen by the team.
def topic SignedUpTeam.find_by(team_id:, is_waitlisted: 0).try(:topic_id) end
Based on the above code, the test case can be created:
describe "#topic" do it "returns the topic id chosen by this team" do allow(SignedUpTeam).to receive(:find_by).with(team_id:1, is_waitlisted: 0).and_return(signed_up_team1) expect(assignment_team1.topic).to eq(1) end end
This test examines the original codes ability to generate the topic that is chosen by the team because it first goes to the mocked instances to look for a team. In this case, to match the mock instance that has created, we look for the team that has team_id as 1, and not being waitlisted. The topic id is set to be 1 in the mock. This function returns 1, because it does return the topic id, for the team that has signed up for a topic.
Return whether the team has submission
The assignment_team.rb offers a method that could return either true or false, in terms of whether the team has submitted work or not
def has_submissions? self.submitted_files.any? or self.submitted_hyperlinks.present? end
Based on the above code, the test case can be created, and there are three possible results:
- when current assignment team submitted files
it "returns true" do allow(assignment_team1).to receive(:submitted_files).and_return([double(:File)]) expect(assignment_team1.has_submissions? ).to be true end
- when current assignment team did not submit files but submitted hyperlinks
it "returns true" do allow(assignment_team1).to receive(:submitted_hyperlinks).and_return([double(:Hyperlink)]) expect(assignment_team1.has_submissions? ).to be true end
- when current assignment team did not submit either files or hyperlinks
it "returns false" do expect(assignment_team1.has_submissions? ).to be false end
This test can successfully test whether the team has submitted files/hyperlinks or not, because it creates a mock function, for the submitted_files function to receive a parameter - so that the team has hypothetically passed in a submitted file. The returning value being true shows that the has_submissions? test succeeded when the team receives a submitted file.
Similarly, we created a mock function for the team to receive a hyperlink using submitted_hyperlink. This second test case returning true shows the hyperlink being submitted is also detected by the function.
When there's no mock happening inside the function, no file or hyperlink will be passed into the team. So has_submissions? returns false is what's being expected.
Return participants of a team
The assignment_team.rb offers a method that could return the participants of a team.
def participants users = self.users participants = [] users.each do |user| participant = AssignmentParticipant.find_by(user_id:, parent_id: self.parent_id) participants << participant unless participant.nil? end participants end alias get_participants participants
Based on the above code, the test case can be created:
describe "#participants" do it "returns participants of the current assignment team" do allow(AssignmentParticipant).to receive(:find_by).with(user_id: 1, parent_id: 2).and_return(participant2) expect(assignment_team.participants).to eq([participant2]) end end
Return the first member of the team
The assignment_team.rb offers a method that could return the first member of the team.
def self.get_first_member(team_id) find_by(id: team_id).try(:participants).try(:first) end
Based on the above code, the test case can be created:
describe ".get_first_member" do it "returns the first participant of current assignment team" do allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive_message_chain(:find_by, :try, :try).with(id: 1).with(:participants).with(:first).and_return(participant1) expect(AssignmentTeam.get_first_member(1)).to eq(participant1) end end
Import csv file to form teams directly
The assignment_team.rb offers a method that could import csv file to form teams directly.
def self.import(row, assignment_id, options) unless Assignment.find_by(id: assignment_id) raise ImportError, "The assignment with the id \"" + assignment_id.to_s + "\" was not found. <a href='/assignment/new'>Create</a> this assignment?" end @assignment_team = prototype Team.import(row, assignment_id, options, @assignment_team) end
Based on the above code, the test case can be created:
- when there is no assignment with this assignment id
context "when there is no assignment with this assignment id" do it "raises an ImportError" do allow(Assignment).to receive(:find_by).with(id: 1).and_return(nil) expect { AssignmentTeam.import([], 1, has_column_names: 'false') } .to raise_error(ImportError, "The assignment with the id \"1\" was not found. <a href='/assignment/new'>Create</a> this assignment?") end end
- when there exists an assignment with this assignment id
context "when there exists an assignment with this assignment id" do it "imports a csv file to form assignment teams" do allow(Assignment).to receive(:find_by).with(id: 2).and_return(double("Assignment", id: 2)) allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive(:prototype).and_return(assignment_team) allow(Team).to receive(:import).with([], 2, {}, assignment_team).and_return(true) expect(AssignmentTeam.import([], 2, {})).to eq(true) end end
Copy the current Assignment team to the CourseTeam
The assignment_team.rb offers a method that could copy the current Assignment team to the CourseTeam.
def copy(course_id) new_team = CourseTeam.create_team_and_node(course_id) = name copy_members(new_team) end
Based on the above code, the test case can be created:
describe "#copy" do it "copies the current assignment team and team members to a new course team" do allow(CourseTeam).to receive(:create_team_and_node).with(1).and_return(courseTeam) allow(Team).to receive(:copy_members).with(courseTeam).and_return([]) expect(assignment_team.copy(1)).to eq([]) end end
Save files
The assignment_team.rb offers a method that could save files in one directory
def files(directory) files_list = Dir[directory + "/*"] files = [] files_list.each do |file| if dir_files = files(file) dir_files.each {|f| files << f } end files << file end files end
Based on the above code, the test case can be created:
it "returns all files in certain directory" do expect(assignment_team1.files('./lib').count).to eq(10) expect(assignment_team1.files('./lib')).to match_array(["./lib/assets","./lib/hamer.rb", "./lib/tasks", "./lib/tasks/background_email_reminder.rake", "./lib/tasks/data_migrate.rake", "./lib/tasks/db_diagram.rake", "./lib/tasks/gc4r_tasks.rake", "./lib/tasks/line_endings.rake", "./lib/tasks/rbeautify.rake", "./lib/tasks/scrub_database.rake"]) end
Export the fields
The assignment_team.rb offers a method that could export the fields
def self.export_fields(options) fields = [] fields.push("Team Name") fields.push("Team members") if options[:team_name] == "false" fields.push("Assignment Name") end
Based on the above code, the test case can be created:
it "exports the fields of the csv file" do expect(AssignmentTeam.export_fields(team_name: 'false')).to eq(["Team Name", "Team members", "Assignment Name"]) end
Return a hash of scores that the team has received for the questions
The assignment_team.rb offers a method that could copy the current Assignment team to the CourseTeam.
def scores(questions) scores = {} scores[:team] = self # This doesn't appear to be used anywhere assignment.questionnaires.each do |questionnaire| scores[questionnaire.symbol] = {} scores[questionnaire.symbol][:assessments] = ReviewResponseMap.where(reviewee_id: scores[questionnaire.symbol][:scores] = Answer.compute_scores(scores[questionnaire.symbol][:assessments], questions[questionnaire.symbol]) end scores[:total_score] = assignment.compute_total_score(scores) scores end
Based on the above code, the test case can be created:
describe "#scores" do it "returns a hash of scores that current assignment team has received for the questions" do allow(assignment_team).to receive(:assignment).and_return(assignment) allow(ReviewResponseMap).to receive(:where).with(reviewee_id: 2).and_return(review_response_map) allow(Answer).to receive(:compute_scores).with(review_response_map, questions[QuizQuestionnaire]).and_return(10) allow(assignment).to receive(:compute_total_score).and_return(10) # expect(assignment_team.scores(questions)[:QuizQuestionnaire]).equal?({assessments: review_response_map, scores: 10}).to be true expect(assignment_team.scores(questions)[:team]).to eq(assignment_team) expect(assignment_team.scores(questions)[:total_score]).to eq(10) end end
Return whether assignment team exist corresponding response maps
The assignment_team.rb offers a method that could judge whether there exist corresponding response maps.
def received_any_peer_review? ResponseMap.where(reviewee_id:, reviewed_object_id: self.parent_id).any? end
Based on the above code, the test case can be created:
- when there exist corresponding response map
it "returns true" do allow(ResponseMap).to receive(:where).with(reviewee_id: 1, reviewed_object_id: 1).and_return([double(:ResponseMap)]) expect(assignment_team1.received_any_peer_review?).to be true end
- when there does not exist corresponding response maps
it "returns false" do allow(ResponseMap).to receive(:where).with(reviewee_id: 1, reviewed_object_id: 1).and_return([]) expect(assignment_team1.received_any_peer_review?).to be false end
Set the directory num for this team
The assignment_team.rb offers a method that could Set the directory num for this team.
def set_student_directory_num return if self.directory_num and self.directory_num >= 0 max_num = AssignmentTeam.where(parent_id: self.parent_id).order('directory_num desc').first.directory_num dir_num = max_num ? max_num + 1 : 0 self.update_attributes(directory_num: dir_num) end
Based on the above code, the test case can be created:
describe "#set_student_directory_num" do context "when there is no directory number for the assignment team" do it "sets a directory number for the assignment team" do # allow(assignment_team1).to receive(:try).with(:directory).and_return(-1) allow(AssignmentTeam).to receive_message_chain(:where, :order, :first, :directory_num).and_return(4) expect(assignment_team2.set_student_directory_num).to eq(true) end end end
Our test cases has coverage: 100%
There are in total 127 relevant lines, and all of them get passed.
The testing framework in the assignment_team_spec.rb used unit tests to test the functionality of each action in the class. The mock instances are created at the beginning of the file, so that during each test they don't need to be constructed again. In order to test each unit case without depending on other functionalities, the mocked actions, as well as the desired returns are built inside different test cases, depending on the need of the case.
In building the test framework, the key is to understand the input, output and the desired action of each function that we want to test. The Rspec test format also has a steep learning curve, but the test shows stable and robust result on the assignment_team.rb.