CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2015 E1584 Send Feedback to Support

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E1584. Send Feedback to Support

This is the design document for the Feedback to Support feature of Expertiza. This goal of this


Expertiza is a web application where students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, web sites, etc). It is used in select courses at NC State and by professors at several other colleges and universities. <ref>Expertiza on GitHub</ref>

Problem Statement

The objective of this project is to allow Expertiza users to directly send their issues to Expertiza support via support form. Currently there is no support feature and the problems are passed on to the support people via instructors. The aim of this feature is faster resolution of the problems faced by the users. This feature should be available to all registered users and the users should have access to it even when they are not logged in. This feature should also allow users to send screenshots of their issues. Apart from the feedback form, a view for the support person is also required. This view would contain a collective list of all the problems. The support person would be able to change the status of the problem.

Design Specification

The following specifications are required in the feature :

  1. The "Contact Support" feature should be present in the title bar. This should help facilitate feedback from un-logged users.
  2. Clicking on "Contact Support" should open a new page rather than a pop-up or modal dialog box. This is because this feature should be mobile-friendly.
  3. The feedback should go
  4. Users should should have the facility to upload only one file in their feedback.
  5. The uploaded file should be either in .pdf or .png/.jpg format. Moreover the extension list should not be hard-coded. A white-list of the extensions supported, should be present in the database.
  6. The size of the uploaded file should not exceed 2MB.
  7. To avoid attacks, the feedback form should contain a CAPTCHA.
  8. There should be a separate method that keeps a check on multiple requests. An algorithm should be implemented to add incremental delay between consecutive requests after three trials.

Proposed Implementation

Mock Ups

