CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2015 E1584 Send Feedback to Support

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E1584. Send Feedback to Support

This is the design document for the Feedback to Support feature of Expertiza. This goal of this


Expertiza is a web application where students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, web sites, etc). It is used in select courses at NC State and by professors at several other colleges and universities. <ref>Expertiza on GitHub</ref>

Problem Statement

The objective of this project is to allow Expertiza users to directly send their issues to Expertiza support via support form. Currently there is no support feature and the problems are passed on to the support people via instructors. The aim of this feature is faster resolution of the problems faced by the users. This feature should be available to all registered users and the users should have access to it even when they are not logged in. This feature should also allow users to send screenshots of their issues. Apart from the feedback form, a view for the support person is also required. This view would contain a collective list of all the problems. The support person would be able to change the status of the problem.

Design Specification

Discussion of Resolution

We will make the following modifications to implement the chat feature:-

  • Create a new model which will help extract,store and validate data in the database table which contains information about the interaction between the author/s and reviewer.
  • Edit the view which is used by the response controller to incorporate the text area input field on the review form where the reviewer can ask his/her initial query.
  • Create a new controller which will contain methods to send emails to the author and reviewers as well as retrieve and display the chat history between the two.
  • Create a new view which will facilitate the author to respond to the queries asked by the reviewer. The reviewer can also use this view to ask any follow up questions.


The sample question box would look like:

An interface with the question would be displayed on opening a link from the email. The authors can reply the query which reviewers ask.

Design Patterns

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Database Design

The above figure shows the schema of a new table which will be created in Expertiza to store relevant information about the chat. It contains the following attributes:

  • id: This attribute is auto-generated by rails when we create a table and is auto incremented with each record. It is also the primary key of our table.
  • assignment_id: Stores the ID of the assignment for which the interaction between author and reviewer is taking place.
  • reviewer_id: Stores the ID of the reviewer who asks the questions.
  • team_id: Stores the ID of the team to which the topic belongs.
  • type_flag: Flag which is used to indicate if the particular tuple contains a question or answer. It can take two values, 'Q' for question and 'A' for answer.
  • content: Stores the question asked by the reviewer or the response given by the author/s depending on the value of the type flag.

Records for a particular interaction can be identified by using a combination of assignment_id, reviewer_id and team_id.

Use Cases

Name: Send a question to the author/s about their work.
Actor: Reviewer.
Description: The reviewer enters his question in the text area which is provided and clicks on the "Ask question" button which is provided as shown in the mock up. On clicking this button an email is sent to the author/s along which a link to answer the question.

Name: Answer the question which has been asked by the reviewer.
Actor: Author/s
Description: The author/s click on the link received in their email and are redirected to a page where they can answer the question. Once they submit the answer, an email is sent to the reviewer notifying him/her that their question has been answered.

Proposed Tests

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum


Files created/modified:-

  • Create a new model chat_feedback.rb
  • Create a new controller review_interactions_controller.rb
  • Create new views as discussed in the design.
  • Modify view expertiza/app/views/response/response.html.erb to incorporate text box and corresponding submit button.


  • The reviewer enters his question in the text area provided and clicks on the "Ask Question" button.
  • On clicking this button the appropriate method is called in review_interactions_controller.rb which sends an email to all the authors of the topic indicating that a question has been asked about their work. The email contains a link which when clicked on will redirect the author to the appropriate view where he/she can answer the question.
  • On answering the question, the reviewer receives an email indicating that his question has been answered. It also contains a link which redirects the reviewer to the appropriate view where the answer will be displayed.
  • This view also contains the chat history between the author/s and the reviewer for the entire duration of the interaction.

Suggestions for Future Improvements

  • This can be extended to a live interactive author-reviewer anonymous chat session inside the Expertiza reviews window.
  • A purging script can be developed which will clear all the interaction records every semester.


