CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2015/oss E1565 AAJ
E1565: Refactoring Admin Controller and Course Controller
This page provides a description of the Expertiza based OSS project aimed at refactoring Admin Controller and Course Controller.
In order to run our code visit the link and use the following credentials - username: admin, password: admin.
Introduction to Expertiza
Expertiza is a web application where students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, web sites, etc). It is used in select courses at NC State and by professors at several other colleges and universities.
Problem Statement
- When a super-admin logs in to the system and clicks on "Administrator ->Show" a list of super-admins, admins and instructors is displayed. At the bottom of the list there is a feature to add a new administrator, but it is broken. This feature has to be fixed.
- In expertiza there is a table for institutions, but the users are not associated with the institution. A drop down has to be added to the view of creating users. So that a new account creator can select the institution from the drop down.
In the admin_controller.rb