CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2015/Mozilla Refactor GLES2

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' Refactor GLES2 Student Project with SERVO & RUST '

Servo<ref></ref> is a prototype web browser engine written in the RUST language.Servo uses a variety of back-end implementations for drawing graphics depending on the operating system.One of such back-end is only compatible with Android right now, and we want to extend and refactor that back-end to enable on all Linux systems..

ServoServo is an open source prototype web browser layout engine being developed by Mozilla, and it is written in Rust language. The main idea is to create a highly parallel environment, in which different components can be handled by fine grained, isolated tasks. The different components can be rendering, HTML parsing, etc.

Servo is written in the Rust language, which is also being developed by Mozilla Research. The language is being refined through feedback from Servo development, and writing the Rust compiler itself. Rust is a systems programming language similar to C and C++ in syntax (but semantically very different). The emphasis is on speed, safety, concurrency and control of memory layout.