CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2014/final E1472 gjfz

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Design Document

E1472: Connect changes to score model with changes to score views


Expertiza is a web application where students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, web sites, etc). It is used in select courses at NC State and by professors at several other colleges and universities. One of the Expertiza features is to report scores to both students and the instructor. The student can see the feedback from other students, such as the max score, the min score and the average score.


What we should do

  • Remove the get_ and set_ accessor names; just use Ruby accessors.
  • Change camel-case vs. underscores to match the Ruby convention.
  • In grades/_participant.html.erb, don’t create local variables in the view; rather, create an object that has max, min, and avg fields for each kind of reviews. Try to avoid the need to check review type; instead, just pass the kind of review when referring to a max, min, or avg field and use polymorphism.
  • Also, you shouldn’t have to check for the existence topic in the view; if it is null, a null string should just be returned.
  • There are lots of calculations in the views, which should be moved to the model.

Use Case

Design Pattern

Objected Oriented Design