CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2014/oss E1465 oak

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Expertiza - Refactoring UsersController


Expertiza<ref name="expertiza>Expertiza</ref> is a web application available to both students and professors. The Expertiza project is a system to create reusable learning objects through peer review. Expertiza supports team projects, and the submission of almost any document type, including URLs and wiki pages. Students can keep a track of their assignments, teammates and can conduct peer reviews on diverse topics and projects. It is an open source project developed on Ruby on Rails platform. More information on Expertiza can be found here. The source code can be forked and cloned for making modifications.

As a part of the coursework of Object Oriented Design and Development, we were expected to refactor the funtionality of some modules of Expertiza. This wiki provides an insight into our contributions to the Open Source Software project Expertiza with main focus of Refactoring the Users Controller.

Project Description

The Users Controller deals with managing activities peripheral to the User registered with Expertiza. Users are mapped to different roles like super-admin, admin, instructor, teaching assistant and student with each role having different access permissions. The Manage Users module can be accessed by roles other than the student. It provides users with the functionality to search other users based on keywords like username, email, etc. New user can be created and existing user information and role can be updated.

Classes : users_controller.rb
What it does : Manage Users and list users,create new user,edit/update existing users, delete users.
What has to be changed : Modify methods to conform to RESTful style. Refactor code such that it follows Ruby Conventions for Collection Objects like Arrays and Hashes. <references/>