CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2014/ch1a 3 cp

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CherryPy is an Object-Oriented web framework meant to be Python-like (sparse and clean code).


Overview Installation Overview Requirements Installing Interface Hello World Routing, Parameters, and Exposure Multiple applications Database Support RESTful Development Identification of Resources Manipulation of Resources Through Representations Self-Descriptive Messages Hypermedia as the Engine of the Application State Crash Course Additional Instructions Install via yum Install via apt-get Install from source Install for Windows Extensions Server Wide Functions (Plugins) Per Request Functions (Tools) Watch It In Action References


CherryPy is not a complete stack, such as Ruby on Rails, Laravel, or Django. Complete stack web frameworks offer frontend utilities and storage communications along with other abilities. These aspects that make the frameworks so powerful, however, also contribute to the framework being bulky making development of small web applications such as blogs a bit cumbersome. CherryPy instead prefers to defer decisions such as storage management and interface utilities to the developer [1]



Because CherryPy is nothing more than a Python library, it needs a Python environment (Python 2.3 through to 3.4) and can run on various implementations of Python including IronPython and Jython. [2]


CherryPy requires a Python version between 2.3 and 3.4 inclusively. Certain features require packages but none are mandatory for installation. routes for declarative URL mapping dispatcher psycopg2 for PostgreSQL backend session pywin32 for Windows services python-memcached for memcached backend session simplejson for a better JSON support pyOpenSSL if your Python environment does not have the built in ssl module [3]


CherryPy can be installed through common Python package managers with the following commands: [4]

Using setuptools (EasyInstall):

   $ easy_install cherrypy

Using pip

   $ pip install cherrypy

Installation from yum or apt-get is in the additional instructions sections.


CherryPy is meant to be pythonic, meaning that development time is meant to be minimized and code is meant to be sparse and clean [5]

Basic Example

import cherrypy

class HelloWorld(object):

   def index(self):
       return “Hello World!” = True

if __name__ == ‘__main__’:


//Use the cherrypy python library

//Hello World project //index page //Return the page contents //Allow the page to be visible

//designates this module as main //instantiates app and starts server [6] [7]

The above script sets up a basic Hello World application, by defining the index page (http://localhost:8080/) as an object that returns the string “Hello World!”. The page is exposed, meaning that the method can be called to answer a RESTful request. Otherwise, the method is internal only. This is similar to making a method public in Java. [8]

Routing, Parameters, and Exposure

import cherrypy

class MoreRoutes(object):

   def index(self):
       return "Hello world!"
   def route1(self, id=”charles”):
       return “Your name is ” + id = True
   def route2(self):
       return “Still another one”

if __name__ == '__main__':


//import python library

//More Routes application //Method decorator for index and // equates to = True

//http://localhost:8080/route1 //http://localhost:8080/route1?id=somestring //Params passed as a GET request. // Default string is “charles” //No explicit indication of // exposure so calling this route // will generate a 404 error

The above shows how multiple routes are handled from the Hello World application and the expose decorator. Since route2 is not exposed, the user can not access it and will be shown a 404 HTTP status code (Not Found error).

Multiple Applications

import cherrypy

class Blog(object):

   ...<blog code>...

class Forum(object):

   ...<forum code>...

if __name__ == '__main__':

   cherrypy.tree.mount(Blog(), ‘/blog’, “blog.conf”)
   cherrypy.tree.mount(Forum(), ‘/forum’, “forum.conf”)

//blog module

//forum module

//”main” method //designates the blog to be under /blog route //designates the forum to be under /forum route [9]

Database Support

CherryPy offers multiple database integration possibilities including relational: PostgreSQL, SQLite, MariaDB, Firebird column-oriented: HBase, Cassandra key-store: redis, memcached document oriented: Couchdb, MongoDB graph-oriented: neo4j Unfortunately, unlike Ruby on Rails, CherryPy does not have a sophisticated “ActiveRecord”-like class for database abstraction, and the database connection has to be established manually. The queries are constructed as static SQL strings with values concatenated during function calls. Here is an example of how it would look like

  1. import the Handles

import MySQLdb import cherrypy

  1. defining the connection function

def connect(thread_index):

   # Create a connection and store it in the current thread 
   cherrypy.thread_data.db = MySQLdb.connect('host', 'user', 'password', 'dbname')
  1. tell cherrypy to call connect function for each thread

cherrypy.engine.subscribe('start_thread', connect)

  1. example query function

def count(val) c = cherrypy.thread_data.db.cursor() c.execute( 'select count(‘ + val + ’) from table' ) res = c.fetchone() c.close() return res [10]

RESTful CherryPy

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an abstraction of the architectural elements within a distributed hypermedia system. It ignores the details of component implementation and protocol syntax in order to focus on the roles of components, the constraints upon their interaction with other components, and their interpretation of significant data elements. It encompasses the fundamental constraints upon components, connectors, and data that define the basis of the Web architecture, and thus the essence of its behavior as a network-based application. [11] In othe words, REST is defined by four interface constraints: identification of resources, manipulation of resources through representations, self-descriptive messages, and hypermedia as the engine of application state. [12]

===Identification of Resources=== [13] Since Cherrypy is an HTTP service provider, resources are referenced by HTTP URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), which consist of a scheme, hierarchical identitfier, query, and fragment. Scheme: in HTTP, the scheme is always http or https. Hierarchical Identifier: consists of an authority and a path (host/port and a path similar to the system file path but not the actual path). The path is mapped to Python Objects via a dispatch mechanism.

Manipulation of Resources Through Representations

[14] The standard HTTP methods are as follows: GET retrieves the state of a specific resource PUT creates or replaces the state of a specific resource POST passes information to a resource to use as it sees fit DELETE removes resources

Self-Descriptive Messages

[15] REST requires messages to be self-descriptive, meaning everything about a message is within the message itself. Such information can be found in the method headers or the definitions of the message’s media type. cherrypy.request.headers and cherrypy.response.headers are used to get this information. Custom-Types are allowed as well.

Hypermedia as the Engine of the Application State

Since REST is stateless and the state is maintained by the application in question, sessions are not maintained by REST, so, by association, CherryPy does not enable sessions by default. However, the REST server helps clients maintain a meaningful state through meaningful URIs

Crash Course


Install (choose on of the following commands appropriately):

   $ easy_install cherrypy
   $ pip install cherrypy
   $ yum install python-cherrypy
   $ apt-get install python python-dev


Create an application. Application requirements: The module needs to define a __main__ cherrypy.quickstart(<Application Name>()) for hosting a single application. For example: cherrypy.quickstart(Blog()) cherrypy.tree.mount(<Application Name>(), ‘/<hosting path segment>’, <configuration>) for hosting multiple applications. For example: cherrypy.tree.mount(Blog(), ‘/blog’, blog_conf) All parts the users will see must be exposed with either the decorator @cherrypy.expose or attribues exposed = True or = True.

import cherrypy class HelloWorld(object):

   def index(self):
       return “Hello World!” = True

if __name__ == ‘__main__’:



The application can be run as a python script in the Python interpreter.

   $ python <app file>.py

It will hosted at It can also be run as a daemon process with

   $cherryd -c <config file> -d -p <PID file>

Additional Instructions

Install via yum CherryPy is provided by the fedora base repository. In Fedora (and other RPM based Linux distributions, such as CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux): $ yum install python-cherrypy

Install via apt-get [16] CherryPy is also provided in the ubuntu base repository. In Ubuntu (and other Debian-based Linux distributions such as Debian and Mint Linux):

   $ apt-get install python python-dev

Installation from source The source code is hosted on BitBucket and requires Mercurial to pull and install from the site itself.

   $ hg clone
   $ cd cherrypy
   $ python install

Alternatively, the source can be manually downloaded from here in a tarball.

   $ tar -xvf CherryPy-#.#.#.tar.gz
   $ cd CherryPy-#.#.#
   $ python install

Install for Windows If you are using Windows, install Linux and follow any of the aforementioned methods. If you absolutely must use windows, you can download the .exe file to install CherryPy from here.


CherryPy provides a flexible open framework. Similar to gems in Rails which add a range of functionality to the framework CherryPy also supports plugins in the the following forms

Server Wide Functions (Plugins)

This type of extension is typically used to provide the application server itself with additional functionality. Such functions are executed with respect to events in the server even when there is no client request processing taking place. Typical use case involve Background Tasks (Tasks which involve server mentainance, data management etc. which are independent of user requests) External Connections (For establishing and maintaining threaded connections to external database or other servers) Delayed/Queued Processing (Cases when certain tasks are required by the user request which take a long time process and the HTTP response should not be blocked.) These function utilize the Publish-Subscribe Framework implementation of CherryPy. Each function subscribes to one or more events on the bus which are published by the CherryPy engine. The database connection is a good example of such a function

  1. import the Handles

import MySQLdb import cherrypy

  1. defining the connection function

def connect(thread_index):

   # Create a connection and store it in the current thread 
   cherrypy.thread_data.db = MySQLdb.connect('host', 'user', 'password', 'dbname')
  1. tell cherrypy to call connect function for each thread

cherrypy.engine.subscribe('start_thread', connect)

Here the function connect subscribes to the start_thread channel. An event is published on the “start_thread” channel whenever a server thread is started. Here “engine” is the central bus of the CherryPy server. Similarly it is also possible to create new channels and even buses themselves. [CherryPy Documentation on Server Wide Functions]

Per-Request Functions (Tools)

This type of extension is typically used to insert functionality between stages of request processing. Also known as Tools these are simple call-back functions registered with a Hook Point. Hook Points are predefined stages of request processing. CherryPy provides a Default ToolBox containing many tools. Users have the freedom to create their own tools and add them to the default toolbox or create a new one. An example for creating a tool

  1. defining the function to be called

def my_tool():

   # put tool functunality here
   print (“Super Amazing Tool”);
  1. creating the decorator for the tool
  2. specifying the hook point and function to be called = cherrypy.Tool(‘on_end_request’, my_tool())

  1. Sample Usage

class Root(object): @cherrypy.expose() def index()

   return “Hello World”

[CherryPy documentation on PerRequest Functions]

Watch It In Action

CherryPy is used as a building block for Hulu and Netflix