CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2012/ch2b 2w67 sk
Directory of Sites for Proxy Pattern
The site describes the purpose of the pattern and the problem it solves. It describes the four common scenarios when Proxy Pattern can be used by explaining the various kinds of proxies. It mentions the structure(UML diagram) and an example of Proxy Pattern. It has a few recommendations to follow when implementing the Proxy Patter. It also explains the subtle differences between Proxy, Decorator and Adapter pattern. It has simple code examples of Proxy Pattern in Java, C#, C++ and PHP. However, it does not have code examples of Proxy Pattern in Ruby.
The lecture mentions the motivation, intent and purpose of Proxy Pattern. It describes the types of proxies ie., Remote, Virtual ,Copy-on-write, Protection, Cache, Firewall, Synchronization and Smart Reference Proxies. It mentions examples of scenarios when Copy on write, cache, synchronization, virtual and remote proxies should be used. It has code examples of Virtual, synchronization and copy on write proxies in Java.
The site has three code examples of Proxy Pattern in Java. However, the site does not have the description of the pattern and what the examples accomplish. It does not describe the various kinds of proxies and does not have code examples of Proxy Pattern in other languages.
The site describes the Proxy Pattern and gives a code example of Virtual Proxy in Java.
The site mentions the GoF definition of Proxy Pattern. It mentions that the term Proxy Pattern can refer to various kinds of proxies ie., Virtual Proxy , Remote Proxy, Access Proxy and Smart Proxy. It describes the purpose of each of the proxies but does not have any code examples of Proxy Pattern.
The video gives a quick, 10 minute overview of Proxy pattern. It describes the GoF definition and purpose of Proxy Pattern. It mentions few simple examples and the UML diagram of the pattern. It gives an example of Future Proxy Scenario in Java. It does not have code examples of Proxy Pattern in other languages. It mentions the various kinds of proxies and their definitions. The video does not include code examples of various kinds of proxies.
The site has the definition of Proxy Pattern and a very simple code example of the pattern in Java. It does not have information about the various proxies and code examples in other languages.
Th site mentions the definition of Proxy Pattern. It describes Remote, Virtual, Protection and Smart Reference proxies. It has an example of Remote Proxy. It lists the differences between Proxy, Adapter and Decorator patterns.
The site mentions motivation, description and participants of the Proxy Pattern. It gives some common examples where Proxy Pattern can be used ie., Virtual Proxies, Remote Proxies, Protection Proxies and Smart References. It has the UML diagram and code exmaple of a virtual proxy in java. It also mentions how Proxy Pattern is used in Remote Method Invocation(RMI) in Java.
The site compares and lists the differences between Proxy, Adapter and Facade design patterns.
Apart from the intent and structure of pattern, the site mentions the various participants involved in the pattern.
The site has a code example of Proxy Pattern in Java and C#.
The site gives a code example of Proxy Pattern in Ruby.
The video gives a short overview of Proxy Pattern in PHP.