CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2012/ch2b 2w63 sp

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The State pattern is a simple behavioral design pattern intended to represent the different possible states of an object. The following sites are those found to be helpful in understanding the pattern.


The Wikiepdia article on the State pattern provides a small overview of the pattern and provides a pair code examples, in Java and pseudocode. The article also provides two diagrams explaining the class layout of the pattern and a basic FSM. The benefit of the article is that it provides quick examples and definitions for reference.

Provides: Simple definition, simple examples, some diagrams

Sourcemaking provides a much deeper look at the pattern overall, including the intent, problem addressed, and structure of the pattern. The site provides a list of common qualities and rules of thumb seen when using the design pattern. This site's explanation of the pattern is much richer overall and it provides more examples in the same language than found on the Wikipedia article.

Provides: Deep definition, multiple examples, one diagram