CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2007/wiki2 1 rl

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Compare Ruby on Rails with Apache Struts. The Apache Struts framework in the Java world occupies a position similar to Ruby on Rails, except that it is not as universally used. Compare the two. Which are the advantages of each for the developer? For the finished application?


Ruby on Rails and Apache Struts are both web application frameworks based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.

MVC Architecture

MVC separates an application into three components: the model, the view, and the controller. The model maintains the application state; it consists of both the data used by the application as well as the rules surrounding the use of that data. The view generates the user interface, which allows the user to view and interact with the data in the model. The controller takes input from the outside world, interprets the input, and manipulates the model accordingly. Separating these three concerns makes the application code easier to understand, reuse, and maintain.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails, also known as "Rails" or "RoR", is the standard Web application framework for the Ruby programming language. It is an open source project that was released in 2004, and was created to make web application development quick and easy. Rails attempts to achieve this through several means: