CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2007/wiki2 2 d4

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Object-relational mapping. Ruby's ActiveRecord is one attempt to allow an object-oriented program to use a relational database. The Crossing Chasms pattern is another. Look up several approaches to mapping relational databases to o-o programs, include hyperlinks to all of them, and explain how they differ. Report on the strengths of various approaches (making sure to credit the authors for their insights)

Object relational mapping




Popular Approaches

Active Record

= Limitations

  1. No Foreign Key Support: Although RoR lets you define has_many relationships, it makes no effort to create foreign key constraints in the underlying database to ensure relational integrity.
  2. No Multi-column Primary Key Support: Multi-column primary keys are a staple of relational database schema definition.

Data Mapper

Popular Products




  1. ORM articles
  2. Active Record was mentioned in this book
  3. A video from RailsEnvy giving a quick and clean introduction to Active Record
  4. A comparison of datamapper and Active Record implementations in Ruby