CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2007/wiki2 2 aa
Object-relational mapping. Ruby's ActiveRecord is one attempt to allow an object-oriented program to use a relational database. The Crossing Chasms pattern is another. Look up several approaches to mapping relational databases to o-o programs, include hyperlinks to all of them, and explain how they differ. Report on the strengths of various approaches (making sure to credit the authors for their insights).
Object-relational Mapping
Object-relational mapping is a programming technique or process to transform data between relational database and a set of data in object-oriented programming.
ActiveRecord in Ruby
Crossing Chasms Pattern
Service Data Object
In Hibernate, you'd usually begin development by working on your Java objects because Hibernate is a mapping framework. The object model becomes the center of your Hibernate universe. Active Record is a wrapping framework, so you start by creating a database table. The relational schema is the center of your Active Record universe. Active Record also includes some features that many Java frameworks don't have, such as model-based validation.Model-based validation lets you make sure the data within your database stays consistent.
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