CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2007/wiki2 4 2q
A Guide to Use Cases on the WEB
Topic :Use cases. There are even more pages on the Web on use cases than on MVC. If someone wants to learn about them, what should (s)he do? Look at the first few hits in Google? I expect we can do better than that. Write a review of the use-case sites on the Web. Which are best for learning about the concept? Which have the most instructive examples? Which teach advanced concepts that are not apparent in perusing most use-case sites? Read at least several dozen pages before deciding how to organize your overview.
This page outlines a review of the use-case sites on the Web which can be useful to best understand the concept. Also a few instructive examples are covered paying attention to the basic use case as well as advanced concepts that are not apparent in perusing most use-case sites.
What is a Use Case?
A use case is a technique used in software and systems engineering to capture the functional requirements of a system. Use cases describe the interaction between a primary actor—the initiator of the interaction—and the system itself, represented as a sequence of simple steps. Actors are something or someone which exist outside the system under study, and who (or which) take part in a sequence of activities in a dialogue with the system, to achieve some goal: they may be end users, other systems, or hardware devices. Each use case is a complete series of events, from the point of view of the actor.<ref name="Jaco""></ref>
Links on the web
Examples using Use Cases
How to write a typical Use case
UML Diagrams and Use cases
An example using a Self Service Machine
This example provides the typical Use Cases in a self service machine. Some of the aspets of using a self service machine are: buying a product, re-stocking the machine, collecting the money etc. The following link expands on how to do this and also provides the UML diagrams which depict the interaction between the users and system through the use case
An example of a Club Information System
This example provides one use case but disctinlty provides a step by step analysis of the events that constitute a Use Case. It mentions the actors, pre-conditions, Exceptions and Alternative scenarios.