CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2011/ch7 7a or

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Wiki Chapter: CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2011/ch7 7a or

7a. Representing money. Skrien Chapter 6 gives an example of a class that can be used to represent money. But how is it done in real programs? Investigate, and report on the advantages and disadvantages of other approaches vs. Skrien's.


Money is very important to people worldwide and is something that often must be represented in computer programs. This raises the question of how money should be represented, which can vary from program to program. There is much to be considered such as string formatting, the way money is used, and the variety of different currencies in the world. In Chapter 6 of Skrien's Object-Oriented Design Using Java, he suggests an implementation that represents money as a class, but there are other approaches that can be taken, each with their respective advantages and disadvantages.

Properties of Money

Money has certain properties and uses that must be considered in implementation.

Responsibilities/Using Money

The following are ways in which a representation of money should be able to be used [1]:

  • To represent a positive or negative amount of money.
  • Possibly representing multiple components of a currency - i.e. dollars and cents.
  • Possibly representing amounts of multiple currencies - i.e. a mix of US Dollars, euros, and yen.
  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

The degree to which of the above must be met will depend on the depth of the implementing project.

Different Currencies

Immutable vs. Mutable

Possible Representations

Floating Point Number

Two Integers

One Integer, Implied Decimal Point


Abstract Class

Single Class

Mixed Money

Using an Interface

Handling Conversion
