CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2007/wiki1b 2 Method Missing

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"There are plenty of examples of method_missing on the Web. Unfortunately, I find most of them rather difficult to understand. One needs to look at quite a bit of source code and figure out what it does. Fix this by giving a plain-English description of several uses of method_missing not covered in our class, with Web links to the pages where you found them."

A world without "Method Missing"

What is "Method Missing" and what the fuss is all about ???

"Method Missing for Dummies" Example!


Provide Cool APIs with Method Missing!


This section covers how we can use Method Missing to provide a very comprehensive list of API methods in a class, with a little amount of code. Lets assume that we are creating a flickr( search API class. What could be the interface of this class? Well basically, the purpose of this class would be to provide a variety of methods using which developers can search photos in flickr database. For example, the following methods could be provided in the Flickr Search API:"Wolfpack") flickr.search_by_tag("Sports") flickr.search_by_user("Vinay") flickr.search_by_content_type("paintings","Monalisa") flickr.search_free_photos("Million dollar Art") flickr.search_within_date("10/1/2007","11/1/2007")

Creating Dynamic Methods on the Fly!


Build your own DSL with Ruby!

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"The Good" about Method Missing!

"The Bad" about Method Missing!

"The Ugly" about Method Missing!


Other Cool Links to Ruby Lovers!