CSC/ECE 506 Spring 2011/6a ms

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Cache Architecture

CPU caches are designed to mitigate the performance hit of reading and writing to main memory. Since main memory clock speeds are typically much slower than processor clock speeds, going to main memory for every read and write can result in a very slow system. Caches are constructed on the processor chip and take advantage of spatial and temporal locality to store data likely to be needed again by the processor.

Modern processors typically have two to three levels of cache. Each processor core has private level 1 (L1) data and instruction caches and a L2 combined data+instruction cache. Sometimes, a shared L3 cache is used to serve as an additional buffer between the cache and main memory. The figure below shows the cache hierarchy in a modern processor.

Intel's Nehalem architecture, used on their core i7 processors[1]

Modern Cache Architectures

To give an idea of typical cache sizes, examples of modern processor caches are given in the table below.

Table 1: Modern cache architectures
Vendor and Processor Cores L1 cache L2 cache L3 cache Date
Intel Pentium Dual Core 2 I: 32KB D: 32KB 1MB 8-way set-associative - 2006
Intel Xenon Clovertown 2 I: 4x 32KB D: 4x 32KB 2x 4MB - January 2007
Intel Xenon 3200 Series 4 2x 4MB - January 2007
AMD Athlon 64 FX 2 I: 64KB D: 4KB 2-way set-associative 1MB 16-way set-associative - May 2007
AMD Athlon 64 X2 2 I: 64KB D: 4KB 2-way set-associative 512KB/1MB 16-way set-associative 2MB June 2007
AMD Barcelona 4 I: 64KB D: 64KB 512KB 2MB August 2007
Sun Microsystems Ultra Sparc T2 8 I: 16KB D: 8KB 4MB 8 banks, 4-way set-associative - October 2007
Intel Xeon Wolfdale DP 2 D: 96KB 6MB - November 2007
Intel Xeon Harpertown 4 D: 96KB 2x 6MB - November 2007
AMD Phenom 4 I: 64KB D: 64KB 512KB 2MB shared November 2007, March 2008
Intel Core 2 Duo 2 I: 32KB D: 32KB 2-4MB 8-way set-associative - 2008
Intel Penryn Wolfdale 4 6-12MB 6MB March, August 2008
Intel Core 2 Quad Yorkfield 4 D: 96KB 12MB - March 2008
AMD Toliman 3 K10 I: 64KB D: 64KB 512KB 2MB shared April 2008
Azul Systems Vega 3 7300 Series 864 768GB total - - May 2008
IBM RoadRunner 8+1 32KB 512KB - June 2008

Write Policy

When the processor issues a write, the write policy used determines how data is transferred between different levels of the memory hierarchy. Each policy has advantages and disadvantages.

Write Hit Policies

Write-through: In a write-through policy, changes written to the cache are immediately propagated to lower levels in the memory hierarchy. [3] Write-back: In a write-back policy, changes written to the cache are only propagated to lower levels when a changed block is evicted from the cache. [3]

Write Miss Policies

Fetch-on-write: In a fetch-on-write policy, a block is fetched from lower levels of memory whenever there is a write miss. This policy usually implies write allocate. [2]

Write-allocate: In a write-allocate policy, a block is brought into the cache the before it is written.[3]

Write-invalidate: In a write-invalidate policy, a written block is marked invalid. [2]

These policies can be combined to form a cohesive cache write policy. For instance, the write-validate policy is formed by the combination of no-fetch-on-write, write allocate, and no-write-invalidate. The write-around policy is formed by the combination of no-fetch-on-write, no-write-allocate, and no-write-invalidate. The write-invalidate policy is formed by the combination of no-fetch-on-write, no-write-allocate, and write-invalidate. [2]



1 2 "Cache write policies and performance," Norman Jouppi, Proc. 20th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ACM Computer Architecture News 21:2), May 1993, pp. 191-201.