CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2007/wiki1 7 c9

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Concept to explore

Multiple inheritance is a controversial concept. Detractors say it leads to messy class hierarchies, it is impossible to implement efficiently, and when the same method is inherited along two different paths, there is no good way to decide automatically which definition should be used. Do mixins solve all of these problems? Give (or cite) examples (e.g., Java, C++, and/or Ruby) to illustrate your conclusions. Are mixins a clear advance over interfaces? Do mixins have any disadvantages not shared by multiple inheritance or interfaces?


  1. Programming Ruby: The programmatic programmer’s guide
  2. Deadly diamond of death by Robert Martin
  3. A very insightful article from thoughtbot
  4. Wiki entry on Ruby
  5. The C++ code snipped has been adapted from this site

See Also

  1. A very insightful article from O'reilly
  2. One more blog on mixins, modules and inheritence