CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2010/ch3 3d mr
Aspect-oriented programming and AspectR
AspectR is a very useful Ruby module, but it is not easy to find documentation on it that is appropriate for students taking this class. Find, or construct, documentation that explains what it does without presuming previous knowledge of AspectJ, that describes many or all methods of the module and how they work. Also find or produce an easy-to-understand example that does not involve logging. Show how the example would be implemented in AspectJ and AspectR.
Defining Aspects and wrapping methods
AspectR provides a simple mechanism for wrapping methods in a program. One begins by creating an "aspect" class that inherits from the AspectR Aspect class. You then define the wrapper methods which will be called at the join points in the program. These methods are called Advice methods. AspectR currently supports only two method join points, PRE
and POST
. The inherited instance method wrap
is then used to specify the wrapper methods to be called before and after a method invocation, along with the target class and methods to be intercepted.
The following instance methods are inherited from the Aspect class.
wrap (target, pre, post, *args)
- This is the main utility method which allows you to specify an advice method in the aspect class to be invoked before and after each intercepted method, along with the target class and an*args
parameter which may contain the methods in the target class to intercept, or a regular expression to match method names in the target class.
unwrap (target, pre, post, *args)
- Undoes a wrapping made with the previous method.
add_advice (target, joinpoint, method, advice)
- Allows you to specify an advice method to be called when the joinpoint is reached in the specified target class and method. Joinpoint must be eitherPRE
remove_advice (target, joinpoint, method, advice)
- Removes an advice made with theadd_advice
- Disables all dispatching of advice methods in the program.
- get_methods (AspectR::Aspect)
- prepare (AspectR::Aspect)
- wrap_with_code (AspectR::Aspect)
- wrappable? (AspectR::Aspect)
The following class methods are inherited from the Aspect class:
new (never_wrap = "^$ ")
- Returns true if dispatching to advice methods is enabled, false if disabled.
The following utility methods are provided by the AspectR library:
all_classes (regexp = /^.+$/)
- Returns all classes whose class name matches a given regular expression.
wrap_classes (aspect, pre, post, classes, *methods)
- More flexible yet experimental version of thewrap
method to wrap methods in multiple classes. Caller must provide the aspect object and regular expression used to match target classes. The rest of the parameters are the same as the
method. Note that this API is likely to change in future versions of AspectR.
Wraps methods in one or more classes whose class name matches a regular expression. Unlike the
Caller specifies the aspect class and methods to call before and after each method invocation. A regular expression is used to match on target class names, and either the target methods can be provided or a regu
Specifies an aspect class and advice methods to call before and after method invocations in one or more target classes and methods. The target classes are speci
The code examples implement a code profiler to measure the duration of method calls.
require aspectr.rb
include AspectR
class Profiler < Aspect
def method_start(method, object, exitstatus, *args)
@begin =
def method_end(method, object, exitstatus, *args)
timeElapsed = - @begin
puts "#{object.class}.#{method} took #{timeElapsed} secs"
#if $0 == __FILE__
class SomeClass
def some_method
puts "hello"
sleep 5
end, :method_start, :method_end, /some/)
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