CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2009/program2 buddi wn

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Buddi Project


  1. Verify that splits in the data model have been implemented correctly. Ensure that the API wrapper functions allow transparent access to the model. Ensure that there are no edge cases where data corruption occurs.
  2. Refine and complete the view layer, and verify that it works as desired in all cases.

Bugs or Undesired Behaviors

Title Details Actual Behavior Expected Behavior Solved
Create New menu Undesired behavior. Create new options shouldn't be put under Edit menu. It's not intuitive for new users. Under My Accounts tab, Edit -> Create Account. Under My Budget tab, Edit -> Create Budget Category. Several options:
  1. Move to under File menu 
  2. Create button for "New Account" and "New Budget Category"
The "+", "-" buttons didn't appear naturally until one switched the focus TWICE after entering the amount. No


  1. Buddi docs for Developers
  2. Buddi docs for Users