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Metaprogramming, is the creation of procedures and programs that automatically construct the definitions of other procedures and programs. Metaprogramming automates some of the tedious and error-prone parts of the programmer's job.It refers to a variety of ways a program has knowledge of itself or can manipulate itself.It's basically "writing code that writes code".

To understand metaprogramming, compiler is a very good example. It takes as input, code in some language, and creates code for another language.

The most liberal definition of metaprogramming is:

  • Compile code generation or Runtime code generation (or both)
  • Aspect-Oriented Thinking or Aspect Oriented Programming
  • DRY Thinking

Metaprogramming in various languages

There are many languages that do metaprogramming. In languages like C#, reflection is a form of metaprogramming since the program can examine information about itself. For example, returning a list of all the properties of an object. In languages like ActionScript, we can evaluate functions at runtime to create new programs such as eval("x" + i).DoSomething() would affect an object called x1 when i is 1 and x2 when i is 2.

Another common form of metaprogramming is when the program can change itself in non-trivial fashions. LISP is well known for this. The program would change another part of the program based on its state. This allows a level of flexibility to make decisions at runtime that is very difficult in most popular languages today. It is also worth noting that back in the good old days of programming in straight assembly, programs that altered themselves at runtime were necessary and very commonplace.

It can be implemented by using any of these and in combination:

  • Reflection
  • DSLs (Domain Specific Languages)
  • (.NET) or Annotations (Java)
  • Generics (.NET/Java)
  • Templates (C++)
  • Method_missing (Ruby)
  • Closures / first class functions / delegates
  • AOP - Aspect Oriented Programming

Different languages that supports Metaprogramming

  • Curl
  • D
  • Forth
  • Groovy
  • Haskell
  • Lisp
  • Lua
  • Maude system
  • MetaL
  • MetaOCaml
  • Nemerle
  • Perl
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Smalltalk
  • uniPaaS
  • XL (concept programming)
  • C++

Metaprogramming in Curl

Metaprogramming in D

D is an object oriented, multiparadigm programming language mostly influenced from C++. It has redesigned some aspects of C++ and also influenced features from other programming languages like Java and C#. In D, metaprogramming is supported by a combination of templates, tuples, string mixins and compile time function execution. Following are examples of template metaprogramming and metaprogramming using string mixins.

  • Example: String mixin metaprogramming

String mixins, combined with compile-time function execution, allow generating D code using string operations at compile time. This can be used to parse domain-specific languages to D code, which will be compiled as part of the program. Example:

import FooToD; // hypothetical module which contains a function that parses Foo source code

              // and returns equivalent D code

void main() {



Metaprogramming in Forth

Metaprogramming in Groovy

Below example demonstrates using classes from the Jakarta Commons Lang package for metaprogramming. All of the methods in org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils coincidentally follow the Category pattern — static methods that accept a String as the first parameter. This means that you can use the StringUtils class right out of the box as a Category.

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
 class CommonsTest extends GroovyTestCase{
  void testStringUtils(){
    def word = "Introduction"
    word.metaClass.whisper = {->
     use(StringUtils, StringHelper){
      //from org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
      assertEquals "Intro...", word.abbreviate(8)
       //from the StringHelper Category
      assertEquals "INTRODUCTION", word.shout()
       //from the word.metaClass
      assertEquals "introduction", word.whisper()
class StringHelper{
  static String shout(String self){
    return self.toUpperCase()

Metaprogramming in Haskel

Metaprogramming in Lisp

Metaprogramming in Lua

Metaprogramming in Maude System

Metaprogramming in MetaL

Metaprogramming in MetaOcaml

MetaOCaml is a multi-stage extension of the OCaml programming language. It is a research language and uses DSL for metaprogramming. The basic approach to implementing DSLs in MetaOCaml is the staged interpreter approach. First, an interpreter is implemented and tested for the DSL. Then, the three staging constructs are used to produce an implementation that performs the traversal of the DSL program in a stage earlier than the execution of the essence of the program. Implementations derived in this manner can be as simple as an interpretive implementation, and at the same time have the performance of a compiled implementation.

Metaprogramming in Nemerle

Metaprogramming in Perl

Metaprogramming in Python

Python supports metaprogramming through metaclasses, decorators and descriptors.

  • Metaclasses considered as "the class of a class" enable the creation of new “types of classes” which can customize the class creation process and/or add class methods and attributes.
  • Decorators look like Scala annotations but are applied only to function definitions and yield (possibly transformed) functions.
  • Descriptors provide a very concise way to add custom properties to classes that invoke logic but syntactically manipulated as regular attributes. They can also carry extra information (such as titles, database column mappings, etc) that can be useful when accessed through relfection.

Metaprogramming in Ruby

We have a C program that needs to include a PNG image, but for some reason, the deployment platform can accept one file only, the executable file. Thus, the data that conforms the PNG file data has to be integrated within the program code itself. To achieve this, we can read the PNG file beforehand and generate the C source text for an array declaration, initialized with the corresponding data as literal values. This Ruby script does exactly that:

INPUT_FILE_NAME = 'ljlogo.png'
OUTPUT_FILE_NAME = 'ljlogo.h'
DATA_VARIABLE_NAME = 'ljlogo', 'r') do |input|, 'w') do |output|
    output.print "unsigned char #{DATA_VARIABLE_NAME}[] = {"
    data ='C*')
    data.length.times do |i|
      if i % 8 == 0
        output.print "\n    "
      output.print '0x%02X' % data[i]
      output.print ', ' if i < data.length - 1
    output.puts "\n};"

Metaprogramming in SmallTalk

Metaprogramming in UniPass

Metaprogramming in XL (Concept programming)

Metaprogramming in C++

These Metaprograms run before the load time of the code they manipulate. Precompilers: C/C++ precompiler. Open compilers: like writing transformations on AST (hygenic macros). Two level languages: C++ templates

template <int i>
struct D
    D(void *);
    operator int();
template <int p, int i>
struct is_prime
    enum { prim = (p%i) && is_prime<(i>2?p:0), i>::prim };
template <int i>
struct Prime_print
    Prime_print<i-1>    a;
    enum { prim = is_prime<i,i-1>::prim };
    void f() { D d = prim; }
struct is_prime<0,0> { enum { prim = 1 }; };
struct is_prime<0,1> { enum { prim = 1 }; };
struct Prime_print<2>
    enum { prim = 1 };
    void f() { D<2> d = prim; }
void foo()
    Prime_print<10> a;
// output:
// unruh.cpp 30: conversion from enum to D<2> requested in Prime_print
// unruh.cpp 30: conversion from enum to D<3> requested in Prime_print
// unruh.cpp 30: conversion from enum to D<5> requested in Prime_print
// unruh.cpp 30: conversion from enum to D<7> requested in Prime_print
// unruh.cpp 30: conversion from enum to D<11> requested in Prime_print
// unruh.cpp 30: conversion from enum to D<13> requested in Prime_print
// unruh.cpp 30: conversion from enum to D<17> requested in Prime_print
// unruh.cpp 30: conversion from enum to D<19> requested in Prime_print


  • multiparadigm language : Multiparadigm languages provides a framework in which programmers can work in a variety of styles, freely intermixing constructs from different paradigms. Examples are C, C++, Java, Ruby, Oz, Visual Basic, Perl, Python etc. The design goal of multiparadigm languages is to allow programmers to use the best tool for a job, admitting that a single paradigm can not solve all problems in most efficient or easiest way.


4. - Multi-paradigm_programming_language