Special 517
Special Offering of CSC 517: The Issues
The proposal is to offer a special section of CSC 517 to two or three students holding teaching assistantships, while I am on sabbatical. The primary motivation is to provide more options for finding a qualified TA in 2009, though there are other advantages.
A DE course?
Objection: Since the students would view prerecorded lectures from 2007, it is essentially a DE course.
Answer: Since I would meet with the students for an hour a week, they would actually have more contact with me than if they were attending lectures in a classroom.
A closed course?
Objection: Since only TAs would be enrolled, it establishes the precedent of offering courses only to a select group of students.
Answer: CSC 630, CSC 695, CSC 699, CSC 890, CSC 895, or any departmental-approval required course is already a closed course.