CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2024 - E2487. Reimplement authorization helper.rb

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The AuthorizationHelper module in Expertiza plays a critical role in managing user permissions and access control within the system. It provides methods to verify a user’s privileges based on their assigned roles, such as Super-Admin, Admin, Instructor, TA, or Student. These methods check if the user is authorized to perform actions like submitting assignments, reviewing work, or participating in quizzes. Additionally, it determines whether a user is involved in specific assignments, either as a participant, instructor, or through TA mappings.

Problem Statement

Expertiza currently uses session-based authentication in its [AuthorizationHelper] module. The [reimplementation-back-end] however, uses JWT (JSON Web Token) based authentication. This requires a redesign of the AuthorizationHelper module to accommodate JWT-based authentication.

The following points need to be taken care of as per the requirement

  • JWT Creation : Make sure that a valid JSON Web Token is created which stores necessary details about the user and their role
  • Token expiry and revocation : Token expiry and refresh mechanisms need to be implemented as well as a strategy for token revocation
  • Remove dependency on session : The system has to be refactored, configured and tested thoroughly to ensure that having migrated to JWT, there is no dependency on Rails' session
  • Writing rspec test cases for all JWT authentication helper methods to ensure proper exception and error handling

Methods to implement

  • jwt_verify_and_decode(token): This method will verify and decode a JWT token and return the user's information, including role and claims. Successful verification of the token signature with the secret key will be followed by extraction of the payload which will contain important information about the user and their role for authentication and authorization.
  • check_user_privileges(user_info, required_privilege): extract the user's roles or permissions from user_info (e.g., from the decoded JWT payload). Then, check if required_privilege exists within the user's permissions, returning true if it does and false otherwise to control access accordingly.

Further, the already existing methods need to be updated and need to be refactored to account for the new authentication system

JWT Token Overview

A JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe token format commonly used for securely transmitting information between parties. It is widely used in web applications for authentication and authorization, as it allows information to be verified and trusted. In the context of our reimplemented AuthorizationHelper module, JWT tokens will replace session-based authentication, enabling stateless and more secure access control.

Structure of a JWT A JWT consists of three main parts:

  • Header: Contains metadata about the token, such as the type (JWT) and the hashing algorithm used (e.g., HS256 or RS256).
  • Payload: Includes claims, which are statements about an entity (typically, the user) and additional data like the user’s role and permissions.
  • Signature: A cryptographic signature generated by encoding the header and payload with a secret key or private key, ensuring data integrity.

These three sections are separated by dots (.), forming a token that looks like this: <Header>.<Payload>.<Signature>


Anticipated Outcomes

1. Enhanced AuthorizationHelper Module with JWT Integration:
Updated and operational AuthorizationHelper module that would use JWT-based authentication. The module would be restructured to incorporate token-based authentication checks, replacing prior session-based methods.

2. Updated Associated Methods:
Methods within the module will have to be updated to leverage JWT claims, ensuring authentication and authorization are handled based on token data. This will allow the module to verify user roles and permissions effectively through JWT claims.

3. Comprehensive JWT Error Handling:
Built-in error handling to manage potential JWT-related issues, such as token expiration, tampering, or invalid claims. This ensures that unauthorized access is blocked, and clear error messages are provided when issues arise.

4. Robust Unit Tests for Validation:
A full suite of unit tests covering various scenarios, including normal, boundary, and edge cases, to validate each method’s functionality and confirm that all JWT-based authentication flows work reliably.

5. Detailed Documentation and Code Comments:
In-depth documentation and comments would be added to each function, explaining purpose, usage, and JWT-related adjustments, aiding in code readability and future maintenance.

Test Plan



  • Kashika Mallick (


  • Shafa Hassan (
  • Archit Gupta (
  • Ansh Ganatra (