CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2024 - E2471. Reimplement logger

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E2471. Reimplement logger

This page provides a description of the Expertiza based OSS project.

About Expertiza

Expertiza is an open source project based on Ruby on Rails framework. Expertiza allows the instructor to create new assignments and customize new or existing assignments. It also allows the instructor to create a list of topics the students can sign up for. Students can form teams in Expertiza to work on various projects and assignments. Students can also peer review other students' submissions. Expertiza supports submission across various document types, including the URLs and wiki pages. As the project has progressed, there has developed a need to reimplement the project using different frameworks. Our project specifically assists in this goal as it implements a logger for the reimplemented backend. This new backend utilizes Rails API to create a RESTful API that can be accessed by frontend implementations. The latest frontend reimplementation has used Typescript and React to create the UI.

Problem Statement

The following tasks were accomplished in this project:

  • Created an ExpertizaLogger to customize logging behavior in the new backend.
  • Created special formats for the logging that is being performed to include the desired information.
  • Created info, warn, error, fatal, and debug logging levels.
  • Created hooks to log CRUD database transactions.
  • Utilize hooks to automatically log all model CRUD operations.

These tasks establish a uniform logging experience for all of the CRUD operations, and they provide the ability to log other specific details as desired manually. This ensures that we have a base implementation that complies with the database CRUD operation logging requirement while allowing developers to include manual logging such as error flows or other information that may be helpful for an administrator to consult. Moving forward, all ApplicationRecords will automatically log the CRUD operations, and developers can easily utilize "ExpertizaLogger.warn(message)" to log an info message, for example.

Implementation Details

Our implementation primarily involved creating four new components:

  • Expertiza Logger class
  • Expertiza Log Formatter class
  • Logger Message class
  • Logging concern

These components are now explained in greater detail below.

About Expertiza Logger

This logger is responsible for providing the desired log levels in the Expertize reimplemented backend. It specifically contains the info, warn, error, fatal, and debug logging levels. These logs are then stored in files named "expertiza_info.log", "expertiza_warn.log", etc. It utilizes the Expertiza Log Formatter, which is utilized to format all of the desired log messages.

About Expertiza Log Formatter

This class is a log formatter to provide a uniform style that contains all of the information desired. This is a critical class, as it allows the logs to be effectively searched for the given information logged. It ensures that all logs will be consistent and are also easily parsable.

About Logger Message

This class is a simple model intended to provide the content for the message that is being formatted by Expertiza Logger. It includes such values as the Unity ID, a message, remote IP address, etc. This information can then be utilized when formatting the logs to ensure that this consistent information is presented and available for inspection without requiring additional developer effort. It allows any desired updates to the logger format to be easily modified because the information will remain consistent, while the Expertiza Log Formatter can adjust the output format easily for all subsequent logs without modifying log commands spread throughout the project.

About Logging Concern

This concern was created as an easy way to ensure that critical events are logged by default in the application. In particular, our goal was to log the database CRUD events. This concern sets up the hooks necessary to call the log methods required to log these events. By including this concern in any model, it will automatically perform the desired CRUD logging. We have leveraged this combined with the model hierarchy of classes depending on ApplicationRecord to ensure logging compliance. That is, we have included the logging concern in ApplicationRecord, allowing any class that inherits from ApplicationRecord to benefit from the automatic logging configuration. This ensures that this architecture is sustainable in the future by ensuring that the desired CRUD operations will be logged without requiring additional developer configuration.

Testing from UI

It is not possible to test and observe this behavior from the UI. This is intentional because users should not be able to access any of the runtime information that is being logged. This information could include users' personal information, etc. that only an admin should be able to inspect. These log files should be created and able to be inspected by an IT administrator, but it should not be available for user inspection.

If, however, the admin would like to test the implementation, they can interact with the backend using the frontend, Postman, etc. The actions they perform should be logged and can then be inspected in the recorded logs.

For example, here are a few test cases with respect to our code changes that can be tried: 1. Log in to the webpage. Inspecting the logs should show that the user's account information was retrieved from the database.

2. Create a new assignment. Inspecting the logs will demonstrate that the desired information is persisted to the database.

3. Edit the created assignment. Inspecting the logs will demonstrate that the newly updated information is persisted to the database.

4. Delete the assignment. Inspecting the logs will reveal that the assignment was deleted.


  1. Expertiza on GitHub
  2. Reimplemented Frontend Github Project
  3. Reimplemented Backend GitHub Project
  4. Reimplemented Backend GitHub Project Repository Fork
  5. The live Expertiza website
  6. Project demo link
  7. Expertiza project documentation wiki
  8. Initial logging commit
  9. Reimplement Expertiza Logger
  10. Adding logging to ApplicationRecord