CSC/ECE 517 Summer 2008/wiki3 5 rp

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Pure Fabrication

Sometimes it is a good idea to introduce into a system an object that has no counterpart in the real world. This is called the pure fabrication pattern. Find examples of pure fabrication, and weave them into a narrative that can teach programmers when it is helpful and when it is not helpful to fabricate objects.

What is Pure Fabrication

All design patterns, regardless of their specific purpose, are born from the same basic principles. These principles include high cohesion, low coupling, and other features which result in flexible, maintainable, extensible code. Most often it is possible to separate the objects of an OO design into real world abstractions, or objects which reflect well known design patterns, such as a factory or an observer. Sometimes, however, the need for high cohesion, low coupling, and separation of dependence exists within software when there is no real world object representation or familiar design pattern to provide a solution. This is when pure fabrication is needed. Simply put, pure fabrication mean creating an object completely unrelated to the problem domain specifically for the purpose of achieving some degree of high cohesion, low coupling, potential for code re-use and high maintainability.

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