CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2024 - E2438 Improve assessment360 controller
Problem Statement
The objective of this project is to enhance the user interface and functionality of the assessment360_controller.rb in the application. This controller is responsible for displaying course-level data, including review averages, project details for each student, and their corresponding grades. The current implementation suffers from several issues such as repetitive elements, cryptic variable names, inaccurate grade calculations, and lack of flexibility in displaying different types of review scores.
Ameya Vaichalkar, (unityID:agvaicha, GitHub:ameyagv)
Team Members
Daksh Mehta (unityID:dmehta4, GitHub:dakshmehta23)
Soham Patil (unityID:sspatil6, GitHub:ThErOCk07)
Unnati Bukhariya (unityID:ubukhar2, GitHub:unnzzz)
Issues to be addressed
The main goals of this project are as follows:
- Issue #1: Refactor the all_students_all_reviews method to accept parameters specifying the type(s) of review scores to be displayed, and suppress columns for scores not selected.
- Issue #2: Rename the @teamed_count variable to a more descriptive name or remove it if not used.
- Issue #3: Ensure accuracy in grade calculations by including only the assignments that were attempted by the student in average grade calculation.
- Issue #4: Enhance the course_student_grade_summary method to include average peer-review scores and instructor-assigned scores.
- Issue #5: Columns for various types of review scores should be displayed based on user selection.
- Issue #6: Utilize the Bullet gem to minimize database accesses and optimize performance.
- Issue #7: Identify and address edge cases from the UI perspective to ensure consistent and clean behavior across different scenarios.
- Issue #8: Implement separate columns for student name and student ID to improve readability in the UI.
The assessment360 controller is responsible for the following two views -
1) all_students_all_reviews.html.erb - This view displays a table of students, their teammate count, and their performance on various assignments. For each assignment, it shows the metareview and teammate review scores. At the end of each row, it displays the aggregate score for metareviews and teammate reviews for each student. The last row of the table provides the class average for each assignment and the overall class average for metareviews and teammate reviews.

2) course_student_grade_summary.html.erb - This view displays a sortable table of students, their assignments, and their grades. For each assignment, it shows the topic, the peer review score, and the instructor's grade. At the end of each row, it displays the total instructor grade for each student. The table can be sorted by student name or total instructor grade.