CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2024 - E2403 Mentor-Meeting Management
Expertiza is an open-source course management web application, that is maintained by students and teaching staff across NC State and other universities. Specifically, Expertiza is used as a platform to help students learn how to work collaboratively on large Object Oriented Programming Assignments. If you would like to learn more about Expertiza, please check the Expertiza wiki[1], or the GitHub page [2]. For our project in particular, we were tasked with improving the mentor management system on Expertiza.
What is a Mentor?
On Expertiza some users are known as mentors. These mentors can both be added to teams manually and automatically assigned if the assignment moderator chooses to select an option where mentors are automatically assigned to teams above 50% capacity. In practice, this means that if you have a max team size of 3, and 2 teammates have been added to team X then team X will automatically be given a mentor.
Problem Statement
The problem we have been faced with is multifaceted. First, we found that when teams are automatically built, students are not getting notified of when they are added to a team. Even more alarming is that when mentors are being added to teams, they aren't getting any type of specialized notification letting them know. Mentors should know when they are mentoring a new team, and students should know when they've been added to a team.
The other problem we have fixed as part of this project is improving the view displaying the listing of the teams. The only listing of teams is on the “Create Teams” page for the assignment. It shows each team member on a separate line, with the mentor in an arbitrary place on the team(Check Screenshot 1 below).
Expertiza doesn’t know when mentors met with teams, so there would have to be text fields where this information could be entered(Check Screenshot 2 below).
The page would have to be accessible to all mentors and course intructors, but a mentor could only enter meetings for the teams they mentored (except that the instructor could edit any of the meeting dates for any mentor).
Our project sought to fix these issues.
Email Notifications
- Add new mailer function for team addition confirmation
- Add HTML partials for both the mentor-specific and student-specific emails
- Add correct mailer function calls where users/mentors are added
- Add tests
Mentor Meeting Management
Email Notifications
Student HTML Partial
Student emails are built with the following HTML partial:
Mentor HTML Partial
Mentors should also be emailed when added to a team, however, their email should look a bit different:
Relevant Links
- Github Repository:
- Pull Request:
- Pull Request:
- Ed Gehringer (efg)
Team Members
- Samuel Kwiatkowski-Martin (slkwiatk)
- Tanmay Pardeshi (tpardes)
- Bala Logesh Sudalaimuthu Pandian (bsudala)