CSC/ECE 517 Summer 2008/wiki3 6 esb

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Protected Variation

Description of protected variation

Chapter 25 pp 427-433 -- Protected variation and Polymorphism Protected Variation and Polymorphism seem related. What is the difference between the two? Where would you apply one pattern over the other?

Polymorphism is a powerful technology that is very useful for handling Protected Variation. Protected Variation gives one reason "why" for a particular use of Polymorphism.

See next... . Chapter 25.4 pp 434 -- OCP An example of an .Key Open-Closed Principle is... X can be opened to Y and always Z. And it's only open to Y if it Y needs to access something and has permission to. While Z can always access it because it has permission to. That look right?

I'd express it like this: if X uses Y in some way or other you don't want changes to Y to effect X, but you also want to be able to change Y in ways that don't change X.


Keep information out of the grasp of components that could damage integrity. Introduce reader to protected variation -Open/Closed Principle and Information Hiding

Why use Protected Variation?

General overview

  • Example 1
  • Example 2

How would you classify it

Coding Examples


See Also

External links,9,OCP Example

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