CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2023 - E2345. Reimplement QuestionnairesController and QuestionsController

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This page gives a description of the changes made for the questions_controller.rb, questionnaire_controller.rb, question.rb & questionnaire.rb of Expertiza based OSS project.

Problem Statement

What is needed: This project builds on E2321, and the main goal is to get the endpoints of QuestionsController and QuestionnairesController running in reimplementation-backend repository. Detailed goals of the project are as follows:

  1. Improving the clarity and conciseness of code: The code should be written in a clean and concise manner. Methods with identical names that perform different functionalities should be renamed for clarity. Functions or functionality that are not clear should be commented on or removed. Any loops or methods that can be refactored for better performance should be addressed.
  2. Discarding unused functionality: Any unused functionality should be removed from the controllers. This will help to reduce complexity and make the code easier to maintain.
  3. Reimplement Question and Questionnaire models: Reimplement the two models to facilitate the endpoints of the respective controllers.
  4. Writing tests for the two models: Tests should be written for both the Questionnaires and the Questions models.
  5. Writing tests for the two controllers: Tests should be written for both the QuestionnairesController and the QuestionsController. The tests should written in the RSwag test format.

General Design Goals

  • Ensure all prior/expected functionality is working correctly, and if not, make any repairs or changes necessary.
  • Ensure that the each of the models and controllers have loose coupling and tight cohesion.
  • DRY out prior implementation's controller and model methods which have functionality that already exists within the expertiza system.
  • Ensure all present test cases still work properly after making the above changes and create additional test cases.

Current Implementation

Plan for current implementation for the code can be found here E2321.

After seperation of the responsibilities of the QuestionnairesController and QuestionsController, fixing bugs, discarding unused functionality, we reimplemented the code to create basic CRUD operations. Then the methods were converted to basic CRUD operations which are described below. (Information related to separating responsibilities, bugs fixed, current testing and unused functionality can be found on the above link for plan of current implementation.)

  • Reimplement CRUD functionality and create JSON endpoints in QuestionsController: We reimplemented the following methods to create the required endpoints in questions_controller.rb.
  1. index: This is a GET endpoint that responds with a list of all questions with their attributes.
  2. show: This is a GET endpoint that accepts a question id and responds with the attributes of that question if it exists.
  3. create: This is a POST endpoint that accepts the question parameters and creates a new question.
  4. destroy: This is a DELETE endpoint that accepts a question ID and deletes that question.
  5. update: This is a PUT endpoint that accepts a question ID and parameters, and, updates that question with the given parameters.
  6. types: This is a GET endpoint that responds with the list of question types.
  • Reimplement CRUD functionality and create JSON endpoints in QuestionnairesController: We reimplemented the following methods to create the required endpoints in questionnaires_controller.rb.
  1. index: This is a GET endpoint that responds with a list of all questionnaires with their attributes.
  2. show: This is a GET endpoint that accepts a questionnaire id and responds with the attributes of that questionnaire if it exists.
  3. create: This is a POST endpoint that accepts the questionnaire parameters and creates a new questionnaire.
  4. destroy: This is a DELETE endpoint that accepts a questionnaire ID and deletes that questionnaire.
  5. update: This is a PUT endpoint that accepts a questionnaire ID and parameters, and, updates that questionnaire with the given parameters.
  6. copy: This is a POST endpoint that accepts a questionnaire ID and creates a new questionnaire (copy) with the same attributes of that questionnaire.
  7. toggle_access: This is a GET endpoint that changes the access from public to private and vice versa.

The current implementation of the Controllers include only manual testing via Postman. In E2345, we plan to add automated RSpec tests using the Swagger API to test each endpoint.


We did not have models for Questionnaires and Questions, along with other primary models on which the Questionnaire and Question model depend on in the reimplementation-back-end repository, so we ran it on expertiza repository. To get the questions and questionnaires module running in the reimplementation-back-end repository, we plan to follow these steps:
1. Reimplement basic version of question.rb and questionnaire.rb such that it facilitates the controllers' CRUD operations.

  • Add required associations for user.rb, role.rb, question.rb, and questionnaire.rb only.
  • The below code snippets represent current implementation of question.rb and questionnaire.rb:
class Question < ApplicationRecord
    belongs_to :questionnaire # each question belongs to a specific questionnaire
    validates :seq, presence: true, numericality: true # sequence must be numeric
    validates :txt, length: { minimum: 0, allow_nil: false, message: "can't be nil" } # user must define text content for a question
    validates :question_type, presence: true # user must define type for a question
    validates :break_before, presence: true
    def as_json(options = {})
                              only: %i[questionnaire_id txt weight seq question_type size alternatives break_before min_label max_label created_at updated_at],
                              include: {
                                questionnaire: { only: %i[name private min_question_score max_question_score instructor_id created_at updated_at questionnaire_type] }
                            })).tap do |hash|
          hash['questionnaire'] ||= { id: nil, name: nil }
class Questionnaire < ApplicationRecord
    has_many :questions, dependent: :restrict_with_error
    belongs_to :instructor
    before_destroy :check_for_question_associations

    validate :validate_questionnaire
    validates :name, presence: true
    validates :max_question_score, :min_question_score, numericality: true
    # clones the contents of a questionnaire, including the questions and associated advice
    def self.copy_questionnaire_details(params)
      orig_questionnaire = Questionnaire.find(params[:id])
      questions = Question.where(questionnaire_id: params[:id])
      questionnaire = orig_questionnaire.dup = 'Copy of ' +
      questionnaire.created_at =
      questionnaire.updated_at =!
      questions.each do |question|
        new_question = question.dup
        new_question.questionnaire_id =!
    # validate the entries for this questionnaire
    def validate_questionnaire
      errors.add(:max_question_score, 'The maximum question score must be a positive integer.') if max_question_score < 1
      errors.add(:min_question_score, 'The minimum question score must be a positive integer.') if min_question_score < 0
      errors.add(:min_question_score, 'The minimum question score must be less than the maximum.') if min_question_score >= max_question_score
      results = Questionnaire.where('id <> ? and name = ? and instructor_id = ?', id, name, instructor_id)
      errors.add(:name, 'Questionnaire names must be unique.') if results.present?

    # Check_for_question_associations checks if questionnaire has associated questions or not
    def check_for_question_associations
      if questions.any?
        raise, "Cannot delete record because dependent questions exist")

    def as_json(options = {})
                              only: %i[id name private min_question_score max_question_score created_at updated_at questionnaire_type],
                              include: {
                                instructor: { only: %i[name email fullname password role] }
                            })).tap do |hash|
          hash['instructor'] ||= { id: nil, name: nil }

2. Write comprehensive test cases for both models using RSpec.
3. Reimplement questions_controller.rb and questionnaires_controller.rb to incorporate the feedback received in E2321. The feedback is as follows:

  • Optimize the Create method in questionnaires_controller.rb such that individual fields does not need to be set and validated.
 # POST on /questionnaires
 def create
   if params[:questionnaire][:name].blank?
     render json: "Questionnaire name cannot be blank.", status: :unprocessable_entity
     display_type = params[:questionnaire][:type].split('Questionnaire')[0]
     @questionnaire = Object.const_get(params[:questionnaire][:type]).new if Questionnaire::QUESTIONNAIRE_TYPES.include? params[:questionnaire][:type]
     @questionnaire.private = params[:questionnaire][:private] == 'true' = params[:questionnaire][:name]
     @questionnaire.instructor_id = 6 # session[:user].id
     @questionnaire.min_question_score = params[:questionnaire][:min_question_score]
     @questionnaire.max_question_score = params[:questionnaire][:max_question_score]
     @questionnaire.type = params[:questionnaire][:type]
     if %w[AuthorFeedback CourseSurvey TeammateReview GlobalSurvey AssignmentSurvey BookmarkRating].include?(display_type)
       display_type = (display_type.split(/(?=[A-Z])/)).join('%')
     @questionnaire.display_type = display_type
     @questionnaire.instruction_loc = Questionnaire::DEFAULT_QUESTIONNAIRE_URL
     render json: @questionnaire, status: :created
   rescue StandardError
     msg = $ERROR_INFO
     render json: msg, status: :unprocessable_entity
  • Implement an endpoint to delete all questions associated with a questionnaire.
 # DELETE on /questions/delete_all/<questionnaire_id>
 # Endpoint to delete all questions associated to a particular questionnaire.
 def delete_all
     @questionnaire = Questionnaire.find(params[:id])
     msg = "All questions for Questionnaire ID:" + params[:id].to_s + " has been successfully deleted!"
     render json: msg, status: :ok
     render json: $ERROR_INFO, status: :unprocessable_entity
  • Add a validation to allow deletion of questionnaire only if all questions that belongs to it are deleted first.
 # DELETE on /questionnaires/:id
 def destroy
     @questionnaire = Questionnaire.find(params[:id])
     render json: $ERROR_INFO, status: :not_found and return
     name =
     questions = @questionnaire.questions
     # questions.each do |question|
     #   question.delete
     # end
     unless questions.nil?
       msg = "This questionnaire has questions associated with it. Use this endpoint to delete all questions for the questionnaire: "
       link = "/questions/delete_all/" +
       msg += link
       render json: msg and return
       render json: "The questionnaire \"#{name}\" has been successfully deleted.", status: :ok and return
   rescue StandardError => e
     render json: e.message, status: :unprocessable_entity and return

4. Write comprehensive test cases for both controllers using RSpec.

Testing Methodology

  • Rspec tests for QuestionnairesController and QuestionsController had been added in the previous project E2321 but had not been executed due to missing dependencies. This project focuses on implementing them and getting automated test cases running as expected.

In our previous project we implemented the CRUD endpoints but since all the models were not present in reimplementation backend repository, we could not test our controller tests. In this project, we focus to create the models required to implement CRUD operations in the reimplementation backend repository and then run and test the API tests for the CRUD operations.

Controller Tests

To run the controller tests:

1. git clone

2. cd reimplementation-back-end/

3. bundle install

4. bundle exec rspec spec/requests/api/v1/questionnaires_controller_spec.rb

Sr No Test Description
1 Test to create a new Questionnaire with valid parameters.
2 Test to create a new Questionnaire with invalid parameters.
3 Test to create a copy of Questionnaire.
4 Test to list the Questionnaires.
5 Test to update the Questionnaire with correct parameters.
6 Test to update the Questionnaire with incorrect parameters.
7 Test to delete Questionnaire with existing id.
8 Test to delete Questionnaire with the non-existing id.
9 Test to show a Questionnaire with a valid id.
10 Test to show a Questionnaire with an invalid id.
11 Test to toggle private boolean flag of a Questionnaire with a valid id.
12 Test to toggle private boolean flag of a Questionnaire with a invalid id.

bundle exec rspec spec/requests/api/v1/questions_controller_spec.rb

Sr No Test Description
1 Test to create a new Question with valid parameters.
2 Test to create a new Question with invalid parameters.
3 Test to list the Questions.
4 Test to update the Question with correct parameters.
5 Test to update the Question with incorrect parameters.
6 Test to delete Question with existing id.
7 Test to delete Question with the non-existing id.
8 Test to show a Question with a valid id.
9 Test to show a Question with an invalid id.
10 Test to get a type of a Question with valid id.
11 Test to get a type of a Question with invalid id.
12 Test to delete all Questions of a Questionnaire with a valid id.
13 Test to delete all Questions of a Questionnaire with an invalid id.
  • Rspec unit and functional tests for Questionnaire and Question model will be created. (Since, we are implementing required models for reimplementation backend repository in this project, we plan to write unit and functional tests to test the methods written in the model.)

Model Tests

To run the model tests:

1. git clone

2. cd reimplementation-back-end/

3. bundle install

4. bundle exec rspec spec/models/question_spec.rb

Sr No Test Description
1 Test that Question belongs to a Questionnaire.
2 Test that Question requires a sequence number.
3 Test that Question sequence number must be numerical.
4 Test that Question requires a question type.
5 Test that Question requires a break_before flag.

5. bundle exec rspec spec/models/questionnaire_spec.rb

Sr No Test Description
1 Test that Questionnaire requires a name.
2 Test that Questionnaire requires max_question_score and min_question_score to be numerical.
3 Test that Questionnaire can have questions associated with it.
4 Test that Questionnaire can have assignments associated with it through assignment_questionnaires.
5 Test that Questionnaire validates the questionnaire.
  • Demonstrating working of API endpoints on Postman. Given below are the endpoints which we tested successfully on Postman.

Questionnaires Controller

  1. index: GET method -
  2. show: GET method -
  3. create: POST method -
  4. destroy: DELETE method -
  5. update: .PUT method -
  6. copy: POST method -
  7. toggle_access: GET method -

Questions Controller

  1. index: GET method -
  2. show: GET method -
  3. create: POST method -
  4. destroy: DELETE method -
  5. update: PUT method -
  6. delete all: DELETE method -
  7. types: GET method -

Relevant Links


This feature was created as part of Dr. Edward Gehringer's "CSC/ECE 517: Object-Oriented Design and Development" class, Spring 2023. The contributors were: Vineet Vimal Chheda, Rohan Jigarbhai Shah, and Aditya Srivastava. Our project mentor was Ankur Mundra (