CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2023 - E2343. Questionnaire UI

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Project Overview and Justification

The major crux of the reimplementation of Expertiza is the splitting of Expertiza into a React Front-End with a Ruby Back-End. This split should yield a simplification of the code base, and make it easier for developers to make changes if the Expertiza environment isn’t as tightly coupled as before the split. The two ends should interact in terms of the restful endpoints, thus separating the implementation of the backend from the frontend making both ends more flexible. The goal of this project is to implement the front-end of the questionnaire.rb file in React that can serve as a basis for the functionality of the back-end questionnaire model and questionnaires_controller.

RESTful Endpoints

The Questionnaire user interface built with React will respond to several RESTful endpoints.


An user interface built by React will mimic the Expertiza UI to list all questionnaires in the system. This will look similar in design to the Users index page shown below:


From the index page described in the previous section, users will have the option to show a questionnaire, which will give a more detailed view of a single record.


From the index page described in an earlier section, users will have the option to create a new questionnaire. Messages will display to indicate a successful or unsuccessful creation. This functionality will look similar in design to the Users create module shown below:


From the index and show pages described in earlier sections, users will have the option to edit an existing record. Messages will display to indicate a successful or unsuccessful update. This functionality will look similar in design to the Users edit module shown below:


From the index and show pages described in earlier sections, users will have the option to delete an existing record. Messages will display to indicate a successful or unsuccessful deletion. This functionality will be similar in design to the other sections described above, and will additionally display a pop-up to confirm the user wants to delete the record similar to the delete user pop-up shown below:

Testing (Unit Tests)

Testing will be done manually in the interface, using dummy json objects meant to mimic the back end of questionnaires which hasn't been implemented yet.