CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2023 E2318: Reimplement Participants Controller

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Expertiza is an Open Source Rails application which is used by instructors and students for creating assignments and submitting peer reviews. Expertiza allows the instructor to create and customize assignments, create a list of topics the students can sign up for, have students work on teams and also review each other's assignments. Expertiza supports submissions across various document types, including URLs and wiki pages. The Source code of the application can be cloned from Github.


In expertiza, there are three different types of users - normal users (typically students), administrators, super administrators. A normal user can participate in a course or an assignment or both. Courses and assignments are different entities in the system which allow enrollment of users. While a course is an independent entity, an assignment is part of a course.

The participants controller manages the participants across these courses and assignments by providing functionalities like listing all participants, adding a participant to a course or an assignment, updating the authorizations of a participant (can_submit, can_review, can_take_quiz), deleting a participant, inheriting participants from a course to an assignment, bequeath assignment participants to the corresponding course, changing the handle name of a participant in an assignment, and deleting a participant from an assignment.

Project Goals

  1. Modify add participants functionality to pass only user ID instead of username in add_participant method calls
  2. Update_authorizations method: Determine the need for a parent_id and eliminate the method if it is required
  3. Destroy method - Add validations to make sure that the user is not on another team before destroying.
  4. View_copyright_grants - This method is only populating DB values right now. This is to indicate whether a participant has consented for his work to be used outside the course. This method is not needed.
  5. Get_user_info and Get_signup_topics - these methods are not needed

Additional changes

  1. Allow a course to inherit all participants from an assignment
  2. Allow a course to bequeath all participants to an assignment
  3. <TBD>


As part of the re-implementation, the objective is to employ an API-first approach while maintaining all the existing functionality in an efficient, robust and simple manner. Specifically for the participants controller, we've added seven different API endpoints to extend the current functionalities while modifying the code to support these APIs. The details for these endpoints can be found below.

API documentation

 #  Method Endpoint Description
1 Index GET /participants/index/:model/:id Returns a list of participants of an assignment or a course
2 Create POST /participants/:model/:id/:authorization Creates a participant in an assignment or a course
3 Update Handle POST /participants/change_handle/:id Updates the participant's handle for an assignment
4 Update Authorizations POST /participants/update_authorizations/:id/:authorization Updates the participant's permissions for an assignment or a course depending on the role
5 Delete DELETE /participants/:id Deletes a participant from an assignment or a course
6 Inherit GET /participants/inherit/:id Copies existing participants from a course down to its assignment
7 Bequeath GET /participants/bequeath/:id Copies existing participants from an assignment up to its course


Purpose: Returns a list of participants of an assignment or a course

Description: This endpoint allows the user to request a list of all participants for the provided assignment ID or course ID. A success response renders a JSON with a list of participants that can be parsed by the front-end.

Path: GET /participants/index/:model/:id


 #  Parameter Expected Value
1 model One of these two strings: ['Assignment', 'Course']
2 id The unique identifier for an assignment or a course depending on the value of :model


  "model_object": model_object,
  "participants": participants,
status: :ok

  error: "Missing or invalid required parameters" 
status: :unprocessable_entity


Purpose: Creates a participant in an assignment or a course

Description: This endpoint allows the user to create a new participant for the provided assignment ID or course ID. A success response renders a JSON with the participant details. The user is required to provide a valid username as well as the appropriate permissions for the new participant. These permissions are [can_submit, can_review, can_take_quiz]. Depending on whether the request is for an Assignment or a Course, a participant type is determined between an AssignmentParticipant or a CourseParticipant and an entry is made into the database accordingly.

Path: POST /participants/:model/:id/:authorization


 #  Parameter Expected Value
1 model One of these two strings: ['Assignment', 'Course']
2 id The unique identifier for an assignment or a course depending on the value of :model
3 username The unique username of the new participant being requested
4 authorization A list of required permissions for the requested new particpant


  "participant": participant,
status: :created

When user does not exist
  error: "User #{params[:user][:name]} does not exist" 
status: :not_found

When participant already exists in the assignment/course
  error: "Participant #{params[:user][:name]} already exists for this #{params[:model]}" 
status: :unprocessable_entity

Update Handle

Purpose: Updates the participant's handle for an assignment

Description: This endpoint allows the user to change their handle name for a given AssignmentParticipant. An AssignmentParticipant is one who is already enrolled in the assignment. A success response renders a JSON with the updated participant details. The user is required to provide a valid and available handle name.

Path: POST /participants/change_handle/:id


 #  Parameter Expected Value
1 id The unique identifier for an AssignmentParticipant
2 handle A valid, available handle name for the participant


When handle change was successful
  "participant": participant,
status: :ok

When handle is already in use
  note: "Handle already in use" 
status: :ok

  error: participant.errors
status: :unprocessable_entity

Update authorizations

Purpose: Updates the participant's permissions for an assignment or a course depending on the role

Description: This endpoint allows the user to change the permissions for a given Participant. The appropriate permissions for any participant are [can_submit, can_review, can_take_quiz]. A Participant is one who is already enrolled in an assignment or a course. A success response renders a JSON with the updated participant details and permissions.

Path: POST /participants/update_authorizations/:id/:authorization


 #  Parameter Expected Value
1 id The unique identifier for a Participant
2 authorization A list of permissions being requested for the participant
3 can_submit A value for whether the participant can make submissions or not.
4 can_review A value for whether the participant can create reviews or not.
5 can_take_quiz A value for whether the participant can take quizzes or not.


  "participant": participant,
status: :ok

  error: participant.errors
status: :unprocessable_entity


Purpose: Deletes a participant from an assignment or a course

Description: This endpoint allows the user to delete an existing participant from an assignment or a course. The user is expected to provide the valid participant ID. The participant is only deleted if they are not part of another team for a different assignment/course. This is to ensure that a participant enrolled in two different teams is not deleted from the list of participants. Deletion is only possible if the participant is only enrolled in only one team. A success response renders a JSON with a confirmation of the deletion.

Path: DELETE /participants/:id


 #  Parameter Expected Value
1 id The unique identifier for a Participant


  message: "#{} was successfully removed as a participant"
status: :ok

When the participant is on another team
  error: "This participant is on a team" 
status: :unprocessable_entity

  error: "Failed to remove participant" 
status: :unprocessable_entity


Purpose: Copies existing participants from a course down to its assignment

Description: This endpoint allows the user to copy the existing participants from a course to the provided assignment in a single operation. Before this is carried out, validations are performed on 1) the existence of a course for the provided assignment and 2) non-empty list of participants already registered in the course. After these checks, the participants are copied from the course to the given assignment. A success response renders a JSON with a confirmation of the copy.

Path: GET /participants/inherit/:id


 #  Parameter Expected Value
1 id The unique identifier for an Assignment


When copy was successful
  message: "The participants from #{} were copied to #{}"
status: :created

When all the participants already existed in the assignment(no-op)
  note: "All of #{} participants are already in #{}"
status: :ok

When there were no participants for the course
  note: "No participants were found for this #{}"
status: :ok

When there is no course for the given assignment
  error: "No course was found for this assignment"
status: :unprocessable_entity


Purpose: Copies existing participants from an assignment up to its course

Description: This endpoint allows the user to copy the existing participants from the provided assignment to its associated course in a single operation. Before this is carried out, validations are performed on 1) the existence of a course for the provided assignment and 2) non-empty list of participants already registered in the assignment. After these checks, the participants are copied from the given assignment to its course. A success response renders a JSON with a confirmation of the copy.

Path: GET /participants/bequeath/:id


 #  Parameter Expected Value
1 id The unique identifier for an Assignment


When copy was successful
  message: "The participants from #{} were copied to #{}"
status: :created

When all the participants already existed in the course(no-op)
  note: "All of #{} participants are already in #{}"
status: :ok

When there were no participants for the assignment
  note: "No participants were found for this #{}"
status: :ok

When there is no course for the given assignment
  error: "No course was found for this assignment"
status: :unprocessable_entity



Test Plan

Since Expertiza has been originally tested with RSpec, we have continued to use RSpec to test out model. The participants_controller.rb depends on many methods and associations with other models. To test the methods in the participants controller, we have stubbed some of these dependent methods. To progress with our testing, we've added the associations in the respective sample model files since these were necessary for stubbing.

To run the tests, kindly pull from the repository and run bundle install to install the necessary dependencies. Once done, please run rspec participants_controller_spec.rb.


Test ID Test Description
1 Test to check index with Assignment model and id
2 Test to check index with Course model and id
3 Test to check index with a non-existent id
4 Test to create a new participant
5 Test to confirm update handle request for a participant
6 Test to verify failure of an update handle request for a participant
7 Test to update authorizations for a participant
8 Test to verify failure of an update authorizations request for a participant
9 Test to inherit participants from a Course to an Assignment
10 Test to verify failure for inherit participants from a Course to an Assignment when course had no participants
11 Test to inherit participants from an Assignment to a Course
12 Test to verify failure for inherit participants from an Assignment to a Course when assignment had no participants
13 Test to destroy a participant
14 Test to verify failure of destroying a participant
15 Test to verify denying the destroy method for a participant who is on another team


  1. Saksham Pandey (
  2. Devashish Vachhani (
  3. Karthik K Jayakumar (

Mentor: Rucha Kolekar (

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