CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2023 - E2303 Refactor teams controller.rb

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Revision as of 02:50, 23 March 2023 by Smaraba (talk | contribs) (→‎Fix #1)
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Expertiza is a Ruby on Rails based open source project. Instructors have the ability to add new projects, assignments, etc., as well as edit existing ones. Later on, they can view student submissions and grade them. Students can also use Expertiza to organize into teams to work on different projects and assignments and submit their work. They can also review other students' submissions.


In this project we refactored teams_controller.rb and some tests associated with it. Some duplicate code was removed. We added some comments for readability. And, we fixed tests to be more consistent with the program and execution.

Issues Fixed

  1. Refactored code in teams_controller.rb
    • Added more comments and briefly explained the functionality of all methods
    • Found areas in the code where the DRY principle can be applied
    • Refactored the function bequeath_all to improve readability by including function copy_teams
    • Refactored function copy_teams that calls choose_copy_type, which calls bequeath_copy or inherit_copy based on bequeath
  2. Refactored code in teams.rb
    • Added more comments to some methods in the code
  3. Made changes to hi_IN.yml file, by adding more annotations and some grammatical errors
  4. Added more coverage to test by modifying teams_controller_spec.rb

Files Changed

  • app/controllers/teams_controller.rb
  • app/models/teams.rb
  • config/locales/hi_IN.yml
  • spec/controllers/teams_controller_spec.rb


no===Fix #1===

The code in teams_controller.rb for function bequath_all was too long, which would make it unreadable. To achieve it, a function copy_teams was added to the code.

  # Handovers all teams to the course that contains the corresponding assignment
  # The team and team members are all copied.
  def bequeath_all
    if session[:team_type] == Team.allowed_types[1]
      flash[:error] = 'Invalid team type for bequeath all'
      redirect_to controller: 'teams', action: 'list', id: params[:id]

The function copy_teams is refactored further to improve it.

# Method to abstract the functionality to copy teams.
  def copy_teams(operation)
    assignment = Assignment.find(params[:id])
    if assignment.course_id
      choose_copy_type(assignment, operation)
      flash[:error] = 'No course was found for this assignment.'
    redirect_to controller: 'teams', action: 'list', id:

# Abstraction over different methods def choose_copy_type(assignment, operation) course = Course.find(assignment.course_id) if operation == Team.team_operation[:bequeath] bequeath_copy(assignment, course) else inherit_copy(assignment, course) end end

Fix #2

This is Fix 2

Fix #3

This is Fix 3

Test Plan

This is Test Plan

Test Coverage

This is Test Coverage


This project was done as part of Dr. Edward Gehringer's "CSC/ECE 517: Object-Oriented Design and Development" class, Spring 2023. The contributors were: Sasank Marabattula, Srilekha Gudipati and Varun Deepak Gudhe. Our project mentor was Divyang Doshi.