CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2022 - E2277. Further Refactoring questionnaires controller.rb

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This page gives a description of the changes made for the questionnaires_controller.rb of the Expertiza-based OSS project.

Expertiza Background

Expertiza is a web application where students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, codes, websites, etc). Instructors add and grade the assignments submitted by students to Expertiza. Students can be assigned in teams based on their selection of the topics. It has functionalities such as peer reviews in which students can provide feedback on others' work which helps peer in better developing the project. The National Science Foundation supports it.

Problem Statement

What is needed: This project builds on E2257. That project focused on simplifying the methods in questionnaires_controller, while this project's objective is to clean the code, but looking at a wider set of files - controllers, models and views.

  • Use temporary variables instead of instance variables wherever possible to narrow their scope.
  • question.rb contains a large number of constants. Make explicit comments on their usage, and remove them if not used.
  • Since a controller should only create objects of one type the questions_controller could be introduced to create and edit questions moving the logic of dealing with individual questions into a separate controller, and improving the separation of responsibility.


This is the main controller used to create questionnaires in expertiza, there are multiple types of questionnaires in use at the moment as follows:

  • Review Questionnaire
  • Metareview Questionnaire
  • Author Feedback Questionnaire
  • Teammate Review Questionnaire
  • Survey Questionnaire
  • Assignment Survey Questionnaire
  • Global Survey Questionnaire
  • Course Survey Questionnaire
  • Bookmark Rating Questionnaire
  • Quiz Questionnaire



The following process is carried out to complete the project-


RSPEC Test Cases

Tests will be added once they've been implemented

Manual Testing

To be carried out.

SOLID Principle

SOLID is a set of rules that guide us on how to achieve that in object-oriented programming. Using SOLID guidelines you can avoid bad design in your code and give a well-structured architecture to your design. Bad design leads to an inflexible and brittle codebase, a simple and small change can result in bugs with bad design.

We implemented the single responsibility principle to divide the questionnaires_controller into questionnaires and questions controller thus ensuring that each controller does only one job.


Team Members