CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2022 - E2279. Grading audit trail
Team Introduction
Team Member
Zanxiang Wang (
Nikhil Mehra (
Brian Davis (
Not Assigned
Problem Description
A grading audit trail must be created and the following information needs to be stored:
- When an instructor assigns a grade, there needs to be an indication of who did it and when it was done.
- Comments previously provided by other instructors must also be preserved.
This information must be stored every time an instructor edits a grade/comment and clicks the save button.
The grading audit trail can probably pattern off the submission records history (shown below) on expertiza.
The below page can be reached by logging in as instructor -> Manage -> Assignments -> View Submissions -> History
At the minimum, a grading log entry must include the instructor id, assignment id, student id, grade, comment and timestamp.