CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2022 - E2282. Fix teammate-review view

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Revision as of 14:37, 11 November 2022 by Mgfiles (talk | contribs) (Added description of changes to fix the improved display of heatmap problem)
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Problem Description

Proposed Changes

Calculate Composite Review Score

Improved Handling of Relevant Reviews

Improved Display of Review Heatmap


This problem contains many parts. Firstly, the student scores view does not even show a heatmap of reviews at all. This will have to be included with the condition that the instructor has selected that the student can view the reviews in the assignment options. Additionally, in the display of the heatmap itself there is no indication if the reviews displayed are reviews about the student signed in or made by the student signed in. A more descriptive label will have to be added to show this. Lastly, a composite score will have to be displayed under each heatmap to average the scores that the student received.


The problem will have to be solved through changes in two erb files listed below:


This file contains the logic to display the actual heatgrid to the user. It will have to be modified in two ways. Firstly, we will have to add a conditional header that will either display that the heatgrid shows reviews for the student or by the student depending on the type of questionnaire that it is displaying. Secondly, we will have to add a place under the heatgrid to display the composite score of that heatgrid. In the previous attempt at this project, the group added the calculation logic for the composite score to this file which is incorrect because it is an erb file. Instead, this file will contain a call to a funtion in the model that will calculate the value and return it for display.


This file contains the logic to display the page where the student views the questionnaires. We will have to add logic to display the reviews of that student if the assignment is set to have show teammate reviews be true.

Preservation of Anonymized View Naming Convention


Flow to access affected views

Test Login Credentials

Added Unit Tests

Added System Tests