CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2022 - E2257: Refactor questionnaires controller.rb

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Revision as of 01:30, 27 October 2022 by Aumasan (talk | contribs) (→‎Fix #2)
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In Expertiza, Questionnaire is the superclass for all kinds of questionnaires and rubrics—rubrics for evaluating submissions and teammate contributions, and taking quizzes and surveys. All of these are subclasses of Questionnaire. questionnaires_controller.rb is charged with creating, displaying, and managing Questionnaires. Because it is used so widely, malfunctions could cause bugs in many parts of the system; hence it is especially important that the code be clear.

Issues Fixed

  1. Removed create_questionnaire
  2. Refactor create method ( usage of local variable instead of instance variables)
  3. QuizQuestionnaire check
  4. Refactor add_new_questions method
  5. Remove reduntant variables in QuestionnairesController

Files Changed

  • app/controllers/questionnaires_controller.rb
  • spec/controllers/questionnaires_controller_spec.rb
  • app/models/question.rb


Fix #1

The create_questionnnaires method was present but its related functionality had been removed. Some kind of link to it is still present in one of the initial migrations which was populating a database to show values for a drop-down that is no longer in use. Thus ended up removing the function and its corresponding test cases.

Fix #2

The create method itself is 49 lines long. This is much too long to be viewable at a glance. Thus the method was broken into adding_question_variables and create_node method so that they are clear enough to be self-documenting.

   def create
    if params[:questionnaire][:name].blank?
      flash[:error] = 'A rubric or survey must have a title.'
      redirect_to controller: 'questionnaires', action: 'new', model: params[:questionnaire][:type], private: params[:questionnaire][:private]
      questionnaire_private = params[:questionnaire][:private] == 'true'
      display_type = params[:questionnaire][:type].split('Questionnaire')[0]
        @questionnaire = Object.const_get(params[:questionnaire][:type]).new if Questionnaire::QUESTIONNAIRE_TYPES.include? params[:questionnaire][:type]
      rescue StandardError
        flash[:error] = $ERROR_INFO
        # Zhewei: Right now, the display_type in 'questionnaires' table and name in 'tree_folders' table are not consistent.
        # In the future, we need to write migration files to make them consistency.
        # E1903 : We are not sure of other type of cases, so have added a if statement. If there are only 5 cases, remove the if statement
        if %w[AuthorFeedback CourseSurvey TeammateReview GlobalSurvey AssignmentSurvey BookmarkRating].include?(display_type)
          display_type = display_type.split(/(?=[A-Z])/).join('%')
        # setting the object variables
        adding_question_variables(questionnaire_private, display_type)
        # Create node
      rescue StandardError
        flash[:error] = $ERROR_INFO
      redirect_to controller: 'questionnaires', action: 'edit', id:
   # Assigns corrresponding variables to questionnaire object.
  def adding_question_variables(prv,display)
    @questionnaire.private = prv = params[:questionnaire][:name]
    @questionnaire.instructor_id = session[:user].id
    @questionnaire.min_question_score = params[:questionnaire][:min_question_score]
    @questionnaire.max_question_score = params[:questionnaire][:max_question_score]
    @questionnaire.type = params[:questionnaire][:type]
    @questionnaire.display_type = display
    @questionnaire.instruction_loc = Questionnaire::DEFAULT_QUESTIONNAIRE_URL
    # Creates tree node
  def create_node()
    tree_folder = TreeFolder.where(['name like ?', @questionnaire.display_type]).first
    parent = FolderNode.find_by(node_object_id:
    QuestionnaireNode.create(parent_id:, node_object_id:, type: 'QuestionnaireNode')
    flash[:success] = 'You have successfully created a questionnaire!'

Fix #3

There are three checks for whether a questionnaire is a QuizQuestionnaire. Testing the class of an object is always suspect, though, in a controller, which has to control a whole hierarchy of objects, it is not necessarily wrong. However, they probably aren’t necessary. 2 of them seem to have been removed already and the only remaining check was in create_questionnaire, thus it got removed while applying Fix #1.

Fix #4

According to the code climate, it was suggested that usage of each_key is preferable instead of keys.each . Rubocop suggests this due to performance. Using large sets of data is where this becomes noticeable. Chaining methods is going to be slower than using the built-in method (in this case) which accomplishes the task with a single special enumerator.

    params[:question].keys.each do |question_key|
    params[:question].each_key do |question_key|

Fix #5

According to the code climate, it was suggested that the use of parentheses around a method call should be avoided.

    display_type = (display_type.split(/(?=[A-Z])/)).join('%') 
    display_type = display_type.split(/(?=[A-Z])/).join('%') 

Fix #6

The add_new_questions method has string literal values like 'Strongly agree', 'Strongly disagree', '50, 3', '0|1|2|3|4|5' for max_label, min_label, size and alternatives. String literals are removed by introducing constants in question.rb.

      if question.is_a? ScoredQuestion
        question.weight = params[:question][:weight]
        question.max_label = Question::MAX_LABEL
        question.min_label = Question::MIN_LABEL

      if Question::SIZES.key?(
        question.size = Question::SIZES[]
      if Question::ALTERNATIVES.key?(
        question.alternatives = Question::ALTERNATIVES[]

Fix #7

The add_new_questions and save_all_questions methods have reduntant variable defined called questionnaire_id. The variable declaration is redundant as we can access it using params[:id].

Future scope

Project Mentor

Edward Gehringer (

Team Member

Ashwin Shankar Umasankar (

Kailash Singaravelu (

Pujitha Enamandala (


  1. VCL link
  2. Github Repo
  3. Github Pull Request
  4. Expertiza on GitHub
  5. Expertiza Project Documentation Wiki
  6. CodeClimate Documentation