CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2022 - E2232: Revision planning tool
Project Goal
The primary objective for this project is to create a tool that can be used for the revision of projects at a time after their original submission upon the delivery of constructive feedback from their peers or instructors.
Test Plan
We need to be able to test all of the edge cases and main flows of the planned functionality. To do that we will add tests in rspec.
- Test creating an assignment that has revision enabled
- Test creating an assignment with two rounds of revisions
- Test delivering the rubric associated with an assignment with revisions
- Test creating an assignment with an invalid number of revisions (-1)
Manual testing:
- Create an assignment with revisions enabled, check to see it is created and visible from student
- Create an assignment with two rounds enabled, see if it is visible to student
- Create assignment with rubric, see if it visible
Current Project State
What it does: In the first round of Expertiza reviews, we ask reviewers to give authors some guidance on how to improve their work. Then in the second round, reviewers rate how well authors have followed their suggestions. We could carry the interaction one step further if we asked authors to make up a revision plan based on the first-round reviews. That is, authors would say what they were planning to do to improve their work. Then second-round reviewers would assess how well they did it. In essence, this means that authors would be adding criteria to the second-round rubric that applied only to their submission. We are interested in having this implemented and used in a class so that we can study its effect.
The implementation of this needs to fit within the framework created by E2161 (Fall 2021).
Previous implementation
This project was last done in Fall 2021 (E2152). However, related merged code from E2161 (link above) means the implementation this semester may need to be changed from how E2152 did it.
- Primary Pull Request for E2152
- Second Pull Request for Revision Planning
- Previous write up for E2152
There are actually two E2152 pull requests in Expertiza right now - the PR we saw in the demo has less recent commits than the other. And the PR we did not see has less files changed as well. They started with last year's project, so the beta they started with was the beta from last year. The changes since then will show up as merge conflicts if this project is merged.
The functionality of this project seems to work well and would be a valuable addition to Expertiza, but it cannot be merged in its current state. There are many artifacts in their PR from an old version of beta. This is because the team merged the previous teams' code into current beta, but did not remove the differences unrelated to their project. The team knew of these problems before the demo, but did not fix them.
More comments can be made in rspec tests as well. It is unclear what the coverage is of the individual tests. The file revision_plan_team_map_test.rb has nothing substantial in it.