CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2022 - E2234. Calibration submissions should be copied along with calibration assignments

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A “calibration assignment” is an assignment where the students are asked to review work that has also been reviewed by a member of the course staff. If the student’s review “resembles” the staff-member’s review, then the student is presumed to be a competent reviewer. Here is a further description of calibration assignments. To set up calibration, the instructor (or TA) adds a few extra participants to the assignment. The instructor (or TA) then impersonates the extra participants, and submits work on behalf of each of the extra participants.

Problem Statement

Having the instructor (or TA) impersonate the extra participants, and submit work on behalf of each of the extra participants is obviously extra trouble. It would be nice if an instructor didn’t have to resubmit the same calibration submissions every semester.

Previous Implementation

The previous project did fully implement code that copies over the calibration submissions whenever a calibrated assignment is submitted. It was done by ensuring that when a assignment is copied that 1) the same extra participants as the assignment you are copying are used 2) the URLs and/or files that were submitted to the previous assignment are also copied and 3) the URLs and files are submitted to the assignment as well

The previous implementation needs to be revisited and made more elegant. A description of the needed refactoring and changes is below.

What needs to be done

Detail notes from meeting with mentor


Files Requiring Modification

More detail

Final Implementation

Test Plan

UI Testing

Automated Testing


Team Information

Mentor: Dr. Ed Gehringer (
Nolan Dowdle (
Laura Fox (
Soeun Jo (
Harshil Shah (


A link to the Expertiza GitHub can be found here
A link to our repository can be found here
Our implementation video can be found here
A link to the previous Wiki can be found here
The previous implementation video can be found here
A link to the previous GitHub Repo can be found here