CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2022 - E2235. Issues related to meta-reviewing

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Overview of Project

In Expertiza, meta-review is a feature that enables a third party to evaluate the quality of feedback that a reviewer gives a reviewee. meta-review is an important feature that can help students become better reviewers for their peers by providing detailed feedback that is actionable and positively formulated. Unfortunately, this feature is broken and the following issues were identified. The task is to fix these issues so that this feature can be used again.

  • When a user requests a new meta-review, (s)he is unable to get Begin (refer to above image) link to start a new meta-review. (Issue #198)
  • When a user requests a new meta-review, the field which says the number of meta-reviews left ( refer to above image “Numbers of Meta-reviews left:”) does not change and the button to request a new meta-review disappears.

Previous Work

This assignment is a repeat of E2025 which was assigned to students last semester, Spring 2020.

Details of the previous implementation can be found here: [CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2020 - E2025: Issues Related to Meta - Reviewing]

Our goals are to update the logic, refactor non-DRY code, and fix bugs.

Approach took to problem

  • We started by looking at issues happening for meta reviews in beta branch
  • Next we tried to understand difference between meta-review and review.
  • Further we tried to explore the possibility of combining meta-reviews and review to follow DRY principle in code.
  • But we observed that since meta review is advanced stage in review cycle and each meta-review is associated with some previous review and reviewee, there is no way to have single model and controller.
  • So we scrapped the idea of changing the design at root level.
  • The best approach here to handle current meta-review issues is to fix them individually.
  • The details on how each issue will be approached and fixed is given below.

#198 - Begin link not working correctly

Issue Description

In beta branch begin is not working correctly. The page crashes sometime: Observations:

  • While selecting "" rubric in local db, the begin link crashed.
  • Following the code we observed it was returning questionnaire list, where only object was expected.
  • Fixing it, we were able to see page redirecting successfully.


We will be looking into this issue further, if the questionnaire was supposed to be the way it is?

  • Further the loaded page doesn't have any portion of view for meta-review, instead it shows just plain old review.


We will be checking the history of this change and try to find at what time partial view file was removed from code.

Request for meta review is breaking the website

Issue Description

  • When the review deadline has passed and I click on meta review then the site is crashed


  • Fixing it, we were able to show a small error message instead of allowing the site to crash

Request for meta review is breaking the website when there are no review

Issue Description

  • When there are no review available the request for meta-review deadline is crashing the site.


  • Fixing it, we were able to show a small error message instead of allowing the site to crash

Request for meta review is shown even before the review deadline is not passed

Issue Description

  • When the review deadline is not passed the request for meta review is getting displayed.


  • For fixing this we are planning to add a simple if check

When there are no review questions upon opening the site crashes

Issue Description

  • When there are no review questions if I click on begin button the site is crashing


  • For fixing this we are planning to add a simple if check on the number of questions.

Issue Description

  • At many places in code exceptions are raised, which are like pretty easy to hit.


  • We will discuss with expertiza team if these are supposed to be like this or there should be some better handling.

["Numbers of Meta-reviews left:” does not update after a user requests a review.]

Issue Description

  • Number of meta-reviews left should decrement when a user requests a meta-review. Current behavior only decremented when a review was submitted.


  • This doesn't seem like an issue. It is more of like expected behavior. The same logic is for reviews also. Number of left reviews should only be reduced once any review is submitted.


Manual Testing

1. Log in as super_administrator2. Password is "password". Click on mange...-> Assignments.

2. Create a new Assignment by clicking the "+" button. Give the assignment these fields: Name, Course and Submission Directory.

3. Go to "Due Dates" tab and check "Use meta-review deadline" and then set the due dates 1 into the FUTURE for each review round and meta-review. Leave everything else as default as shown below:

4. Go to the "Rubrics" tab and populate as shown below:

5. OPTIONAL: Go to "Review strategy page and select "Has meta-review limit?" and set the number of allowed and required meta-reviews.

6. Once done, "Create" the assignment.

7. Go back to Assignments. manage...-> Assignments.

8. Find the newly created assignment and click on "Add participant". Add the students below:

9. Go to manage...Impersonate User and impersonate "Student485"

10. Go to the newly created assignment and submit a link for the assignment.

11. Revert back to super_administrator2 and change the submission due date to a date in the PAST so we are currently in the review stage.

12. Impersonate student486 and request for a new review under others work, submit the review.

13. Revert back to super_administrator2 as previously described and change the review due date to be passed so we are currently in the meta-review stage.

14. Impersonate as student485 and Request for a new meta review.

15. Press "Begin" and complete the meta-review

16. When the review is complete, the "Begin" should disappear and be replaced with "View" and "Edit"

Automated Test Plan

1. We will target to get all existing test passed, to make sure no existing functionality for other features break.

2. Also, we will be adding few test cases for the issues fixed in this project and hoping to increase coverage.