CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2022 - E2242. Fix teammate-review view

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Problem Statement

After the deadline to submit a project is crossed and the work is reviewed, both students and instructors can view teammate reviews. Students view them from the heatgrid at the bottom of the “Your scores” page. Instructors view them from “View scores”, then clicking on a particular team, then clicking on the Teammate Reviews tab. In both cases a single heatgrid is shown. It is not clear if the heatgrid shows the reviews that the student has written of his/her teammates, or is the heatgrid for the reviews that the student has received from his/her teammates?

For instructors, the problem is compounded. Instructors can choose from a list of the students on the team, but they have no way to tell whether the heatgrid shows the reviews done by or done for the team member. Also there's no option for instructor to allow/disallow students to check their teammate reviews for their contribution to the project.

Explanation of Feature

Existing functionality of teammate-review view

Used login details from factories.rb and logged in as an instructor and student to retrieve corresponding views.

1. Instructor's view of teammate review: As we can see below, under Teammate Reviews tab, the heatgrid for student 7185 doesn't clearly state if it is review done by the student 7185 or is it the review score received by the student 7185.

2. Student's view of teammate review: As we can see below, the student's view of your scores doesn't show the teammate reviews. We need to implement the feature by invoking the pre-existing code for displaying a heatgrid, so that a student will be able to view the teammate reviews.

Desired functionality of teammate-review view

1. Distinguish reviews done for a student by rendering separate heat grids for each student. Both reviews by the student and reviews of the student’s contribution should be shown separately.

2. Includes a checkbox(Show teammate reviews?) on the edit assignment page, so that instructor can enable/disable visibility of heat grid to students.

3. In addition to the individual reviews, shows a composite score derived from all reviews. The code should invoke the pre-existing code for displaying a heat grid, so other kinds of heat grid views could use it.

4. The code must also be cognizant that the display may be in an anonymized view, where no names are to be shown, but only “Student nnn”, “Instructor mmm”, etc.

Use Case Diagram

Design Patterns

User Stories


We will be using RSpec and Capybara for unit and functional testing. UI testing will be done manually.

Github and Related Link

The forked git repository for this project can be found here.


Mentor: Naman Shrimali

  • Rachana Kondabala (rkondab)
  • Rahul Shukla (rshukla3)
  • Shubham Bansal (sbansal6)
  • Sravanth Reddy Bommana (sbomman)