CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2022 - E2237: Grading audit trail
- Bhuwan Bhatt (brbhatt)
- Soumyadeep Chatterjee (schatte5)
- Kelly Fleming (kflemin3)
- Karthik Gopala Sundaresan (kgopala3)
- Kai Xiao (yxiao28)
Problem Statement
Summary of Previous Team's Work
You can read the entirety of previous team's wiki write-up if desired.
Overview of Major Changes
A new table was added to the database (grading_history), along with the corresponding model (grading_history.rb) and controller (grading_history_controller.rb).
Two models for specific types of histories were added: review_grading_history.rb, and submission_grading_history.rb.
A view for displaying the grading history of a particular assignment or review was added (index_html.erb).
Whenever an instructor submits a new grade, or edits an existing grade, the grading_history_controller saves a new history entry to the database.
Modifications to Existing Files
- app/controllers/grades_controller.rb
- A grading history record is created for every edit to a submission's grade.
- app/controllers/review_mapping_controller.rb
- A grading history record is created for every edit to a review's grade.
- app/views/assignments/list_submissions.html.erb
- A link to access a submission's grade history is shown in the submissions table.
- app/views/reports/_review_report.html.erb
- A link to access a review's grade history is shown in the review report table.
Functional tests ensuring specific method calls are made were added.
- functional tests added to these files
- spec/controllers/grades_controller_spec.rb
- spec/controllers/review_mapping_controller_spec.rb
- spec/controllers/grading_histories_controller_test.rb
A feature test ensuring that correct grading history is shown in chronological order was added.
- feature test handled by these two files
- spec/features/grade_histories_spec.rb
- spec/features/helpers/grade_histories_helper.rb